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>> No.20733346 [View]
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>This is not my post originally, but I was unable to screencap it and instead I'll just recreate it.

Democracy itself is a permanent tyranny of corrupt oligarchs, the military-industrial complex, scheming bankers, and media bosses. Democracy is a system in which amoral liars compete in a popularity conquest and get to escape all consequences for their disasters decisions. And all for what? So that the few of us still in denial can bask in the illusion of control for a few minutes every few years?

By being based on popularity, rather than quality or merit, it will always favor the clever liars and schemers, the sociopathic social climbers, and the cynical actors. By having such short term limits, it insures that no politician ever has to deal with the long-term consequences of his actions. Inversely, the honest men, the honorable men, will have less success at getting elected because they will say unpleasant truths and refrain from making impossible promises. The ones attracted to public office in a democracy are the ones who see it as way to make dishonest profits through corruption, with little to no risk of being held accountable. Those who are not corrupt benefit very little, and thus are less likely to engage in the whole process.

The quality of any country's government depends entirely on the human quality of it's decision makers and their ability to implement appropriate policies for the good of the people and state. Thus we can reliably judge any system of government based on how effective it is at getting the best, most competent people on top and preventing the worst people from being in positions of power or influence.
By this metric, we can confidently say that democracy is the worst political system there ever was, and could ever be.

>> No.20731524 [View]
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>Every single A-lister is like 50 or older at this point
>Almost all of them have either resorted to superhero films or direct-to-video tier trash
>Almost every up and coming actor is less famous than the average YouTube e-celeb
>Some actors are even trying to become online content creators.
>Executives are desperately scrambling to find the next [big thing] that appeals either to China or to a fading younger tiktok demographic
>Nobody watches the Oscars anymore
>California in general is also a dystopian shithole with more and more people fleeing.

>> No.20667990 [View]
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>England had its revolution in 1642, France had its in 1789. Both resulted in the elimination of the feudal constitution and in the ascendancy of the bourgeoisie to participation in political power, which until then had been reserved almost exclusively for the nobility and the Church. The political goals of the new social estate [Standes] now coming to the fore culminated in the restriction, as far as was possible, of the state’s field of activity, which hindered its economic ambitions. In Germany things were inherently different. There had been no strong state authority for centuries, and before the regional principalities could reach their fullest development there were already a plethora of powerful city-states in which the bourgeoisie were able to express themselves politically. This is one reason why there was no revolution here equivalent to those in England and France – the Peasants’ War was an uprising of a different kind. The second reason is to be found in the fact that, after the Reformation, Germany became a European theatre of war.

>On taking a closer look at the motives behind the great French Revolution, we find ourselves agreeing with Werner Sombart, who (in Merchants and Heroes) identifies its much-vaunted, lofty goals of “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” as being true and genuine merchant values. After all, in spite of all the window-dressing, its true objective was simply the demolition of the medieval social order and of those constraints which had become inconvenient. In place of that order’s Western worldview of collective work – socialism – there came instead a striving after the greatest possible and most reckless development of the personality – individualism. Individualism forms the foundation of capitalism, and is the driving force behind that spirit which we have classed as ‘Jewish’ and which lives and works within the Anglo-Saxon. There is little room in its thinking and feeling for the state according to our convictions. The state may be there to protect the citizenry; about their life-style and activities it does not concern itself any further. The English state is therefore only a society of private individuals.

>> No.20556138 [View]
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I already have a fairly good theoretical understanding of metaphysics, and I meditate a little each day to calm the mind, hoping to reach the moment when the mirror of the Self will be so smooth and transparent that it will allow me insight
But I feel like I'm not progressing, I can't kill the ego, or even diminish it, I can't even maintain a good morality on a daily basis
I break the five precepts, I am consumed by laziness and lust
What to read? Help me...

>> No.20502147 [View]
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Too expand further. Jews historically being rootless and homeless were formerly the most potent vector of this kind of total deracination, but even they have residual and regressive tendencies toward racination, having dwelled in their diaspora enclaves for so long, and having a persistent tendency to envy the WASP elites and to try to integrate with them through intermarriage and imitation. The new brown and off-brown international elite of people whose background is not any particular form of diversity but simple the abstract notion "diverse" is the logical next step.

These people also come from countries with less "memory," which in this context means less connection to old European values. Again, the WASPs and Jews tend to have surprisingly high levels of regressive traits (again from the system's perspective), like sincere religiosity, ethnic fellow-feeling, the aforementioned parochialism and provincialism, unprofitable (because actually efficacious) forms of social progressivism instead of just hollow and vague progressive ideology, etc. For every two or three useful apparatchiks the system obtains from a Jewish or WASP family, it will often get a regressive individual as well. For example the ACLU held out for a long time as a bulwark of free speech because there were enough residual people with cultural memories of the European liberal project, enough people who still took that project "too" seriously (from the system's perspective) instead of using it as propaganda when convenient but otherwise disregarding it. Until quite recently many government and educational institutions have been filled with a significant fraction of people who would, e.g., defend the original spirit of academic tenure for someone with unpopular views, or defend traditional conceptions of union power.

It's far better to have a class of people who, as above, want to "escape" being Indian, being Singaporean, being Chinese, by being generically international, and who have no memory of "Europeanness" beyond the generic memory of generic colonialism instilled in them by internationalist elite education, which harnesses their latent inferiority complexes and wounded pride. Historically these were powerful drives toward national self-assertion, but now all the elites who would normally be drawn into the development of their nation as against the old domineering metropole (Europe) are drawn into the international class, drawn to European capitals where their parents' money (gotten by fleecing their own people) will provide them with a lavish, generically metropolitan and cosmopolitan lifestyle while they learn to speak international and managerial.


>> No.20449432 [View]
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The story of Prometheus is all wrong and backwards. The universe is an all creating, all sustaining, all destroying fire. The Greek cosmological model names fire (hydrogen) as the prima materia or fundamental stuff of the universe. The story of Prometheus stealing fire from Olympus to give to humans is an allegory for something else. It's not an innocent story about lighting up the darkness. It's a harrowing tale about the demiurge stealing divine light and trapping it in the samsara Hell matrix. Souls. Why do you think Zeus condemned him to eternal punishment?

The liver / stomach was also seen by the Greeks as the seat of the soul, like we might say with the heart or pineal.

The punishment itself is a metaphor. The energetic the personage of Prometheus (or the Sailor) was chained to a reincarnating material form that his own soul might witness his demiurgic creation, good and bad. He’s the prototype behind most prophetic or spiritual teachers as he is now personally invested in the success or failure of Man.

>> No.20433536 [View]
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tfw a truly anti-Demiurge organization doesn't exist
>tfw if it did it would just be a glownigger psyop
I want to be an aeonic futurist, brosanyr8

>> No.20432022 [View]
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