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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.22548270 [View]
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Does anyone know any phone app that can be used to scan pages of a book into a pdf or epub?

>> No.22078592 [View]
File: 45 KB, 1440x900, severe_existential_dread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is not caring so exhausting?

>> No.21978572 [View]
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I want off this rock, but I’m born in an age where this shitty fucking rectangle computer compels me. I don’t want to die, far from it. I want to live a life full of tasty food, music and works of art that predate me and will continue to be produced. Yet my mortality terrifies me, paralyzing me in fear. The mundanity of existence of go to work, make food, go to sleep, with only brief periods of saving enough made up currency to travel somewhere or do something. It’s all staring at me in the face yet the time to indulge in all it’s beauty is slowly being ripped away by the requirements of a society that drains the life of all except the obscenely wealthy and powerful. I can’t afford a house, I spend money to get qualifications to make money only to owe money and it drives me mad.

>> No.21630859 [View]
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Good! ^^
Take it as a lesson then, the first one of your life if you will ... don't build what you are on external sources. That rug tends to be pulled right from under your feet you know ...
Ofc, one can even learn lessons from fairytales (or "lies"). So the next thing to ask, did you learn ANY personal lesson from your (now oblitered) beliefs? If so, keep that. Discard the rest.

>> No.20881006 [View]
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Boyiboyos help me, does anyone know how to modify an epub into 1 single continuous long page, instead of reading page by page?

Im reading from an android phone, using the Librera Pro app, but i would like to scroll the text without gaps, instead of that the format of the pages is set to look almost like small flashcards, and the text jumps constantly.

>> No.20697187 [View]
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Well, appears you've received a glimpse of the "entirety" of it all. Can be scary, huh ... but running away from it is no option. It is not a prison, it simply is. Consider this for a start ...

>> No.18305319 [View]
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>this sounds more like what I'm talking about. Something I should read first to make sure I'm covering new ground
I took the quote from This Is Water (a famous DFW speech). He talks about actively rejecting your "default setting", which requires constant and active work, or else you will be miserable. And part of that involves choosing what you worship. In fact, I missed the most relevant parts of the quote,
>They’re the kind of worship you just gradually slip into, day after day, getting more and more selective about what you see and how you measure value without ever being fully aware that that’s what you’re doing.
> The alternative is unconsciousness, the default setting, the rat race, the constant gnawing sense of having had, and lost, some infinite thing.
From what I understood you seem to have a sort of tulpa twist on this where the things you worship (your insecurities), which cause self-hatred, are a sort of separate entity by which you measure everything against and alienating you from everybody else in the process. Neat

>> No.18049942 [View]
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The fuck do you people read? Like there are books that are depressing but then there are books that are inspiring. But it seems like all you guys do is read about life sucking ass and never once considered reading about anything positive

>> No.17971251 [View]
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that would be my diary, sir

>> No.16116185 [View]
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I don't read much, I usually read 10 pages a day in bed and then I fall asleep and only on some nights. I read like 3 or 4 books completely a year and have left dozens and dozens of books in the middle, most on the first chapter or two, some on the introduction. I have been like so my entire life. Judge me, bully me, give me advice, none of it matters, I'm not proud but it's how I do it.

>> No.14994069 [View]
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Without past and future how would there be a now?

>> No.14851962 [View]
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Be honest, how much do do you actually read? Do you read everyday?

I want to confess /lit/, I read like 3 books a year and they are usually the easy ones. I'm 30 years old and have always been like that. I have a bunch of books that I started reading but couldn't get past 10 pages. I usually read in bed, but I'm always too tired and read like 2 pages before falling asleep. I like non-fiction better, but only because it hooks me a little more, there are fiction books that I'm interested, but then I hardly manage to go through them.

On top of that my father is a literature teacher. Yup. He is into Joyce, Proust, Dostoyevsky, Kafka and has read almost everything. He used to recommend me books to read, but eventually stopped since I didn't read them. Even so, I think I have an unexpected good knowledge of literature just from hearing trivia from him.

At a time I thought "maybe I'm just going too fast, eventually I'll get to this high brow stuff, let me try Harry Potter first...", but now I'm old and haven't read anything. I blame the internet for my lack of focus. I just wanted to vent, see if others are on the same boat and ask for advice on the very daily habit of reading, perhaps I could force myself into practicing that way.

>> No.14805999 [View]
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>> No.13445696 [View]
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Fucking random sadness, I hope i can bury it tomorrow

>> No.13302431 [View]
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I saw that this book (or the movie adaption) had become some kind of a doomer meme, but why?

How did you like it?
What other books from perec are good to read?

>> No.12531658 [View]
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Have you considered writing from the place of the sensation first and seeing what actions come out of it? I think most people get frustrated trying to communicate certain ineffable feelings by trying to draw them out of an established narrative instead of having the narrative develop in response to your articulation of the sensations, whatever they may be.

Sometimes "garbage, shallow prose" is just what it *needs* to be. It's not actually garbage; it's often rightfully flat. Not every paragraph needs to be a triumph in metaphor or dialogue.

>> No.12342971 [View]
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This used to be me anon. You want to know how I cured myself? Firs of all I picked a 2-3 books that I wanted to read and I calculated how many pages I had to read in each book a day to be able to finish them all in the end of the month. And guess what anon, I actually finished them. Why? Because I had a goal and I had the formula right in front of me. I knew exactly how many pages I had to read at a minimum to reach my goal and sometimes I would read even more pages than I had to so I actually finished some books before my deadline. You should try this out anon,

>> No.12335079 [View]
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Books for this feel?

>> No.12320801 [View]
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Who cares? Neither are realistic.

>> No.12158898 [View]
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>tfw can understand poetry but can't understand Rimbaud

What am I missing? The Illuminations read to me as an incoherent stream of consciousness that consists of haphazard associations. Maybe i need to "confuse my senses", starve myself, get drunk and high while cheating on my gf with a possessive bipolar twink to really grasp the essence? I hate my little brain.

>> No.12066059 [View]
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>Walk Without Rhythm

>talking to NPCs-NPCifies
this is seriously epic but trying to avoid npcs and interpellation? just leads me back and again to this offwhite box shitposting and sometimes reading. is that all there is? ive been doin that since childhood

also i have no idea what get a grip really means

>> No.11886130 [View]
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Write the opening sentence of this short story.

>> No.11368608 [View]
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both. most of it is drivel, and most people here seem bored and depressed and self-obsessed, because if you're content and occupied with something, why would you come here and write something, right?
but occasionally there's something interesting that pops up. but it's not this post

>> No.11019901 [View]
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people that claim criminals are evil and somehow different form the "normal" population have never experienced poverty
but sure, let´s make them slaves, they really deserve it

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