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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.14902931 [View]
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only fat(and/or fat skinny) americans and americanized euronigs who watch interracial porn and eat nothing but xenoestrogens think russian literature is of any value lol bonus points if they larp as trad

also edgy tankie faggots

europeans have laughed at and felt pity for russian literature even since russians started writing (like what 17-18th century? LMAOOO) as a gross imitation of stuff the french did a century or more before them

russia has always been a barely literate shithole full of faceless peasants with a handful of aristocrats who were just francophone puppets barely more intelligent than the peasants they cruelly lorded over, that's to say, dumb as rocks

fuck russia, its shabby peasoup literature and moralizing tomes of basic bitch nonsense

this board is a joke if so many people actually think their writings are worth anything more than emergency toilet paper for a corona virus shortage

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