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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.12779692 [View]
File: 59 KB, 1000x493, egyptbarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just how fat are you?
i'm super fat, which is why my ideal job is to be a kind of Grand Overseer for a tyrant who will indulge my real desire, which is to float along a barge and inspecting the moral hygiene of the citizenry. mostly i do this by having one of my small corps of servants summon people from the beach to my ship, where i share my hot takes with them while passing judgment on their ideological fitness. also i am very lonely. sort of like J Edgar Hoover and Oscar Wilde, plus the Mouth of Sauron

>It's interesting that you use the same tactics as the author, chastising the very qualities you take up yourself.
yes but when i do it it's different tho

seize this man
he dares to question me
for this he shall receive twenty lashes, if by lashes we mean a stream of ill-founded opinions

>> No.12623778 [View]
File: 59 KB, 1000x493, egyptbarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think it's more accurate to say releasing time since it is the future that is manipulating the present in Nick's view. 'we are releasing AI', 'the other is invading' etc.
yes, i understand. it really is like Bizarro Heidegger tho, essentially replacing openness to Being with BTC-as-philosophy, mining for time. no wonder he's been working on that book for a decade. again, it warrants mentioning that it's not lost on me that a lot of stuff he writes is completely horrible, there's no question. but it's horrible in a way that makes an eerie kind of sense also. such is the power of Purple Sweater-tier continental theory. there is but one Uncle Nick and he is well and truly a magus dark.

>I did finish this one but it doesn't count since it wasn't a blog mess without capitalization for 2000 characters.
first of all, i do use capital letters, i just use them selectively. not capitalizing every sentence lets me do Quirky Things with them later on, like the odious slobbering fuckface that i am who derives pleasure from this. don't take this away from me.

all i want is unconditional love, continual praise, total fidelity to everything i say. also uproarious applause. plus a free grand slam breakfast every morning, and to spend my days floating along the Nile wearing a golden headdress and being fanned with ostrich feathers by nubile maidens while i share my opinions about continental philosophy. also perhaps to be able to point at random people on the banks of the river and have them summoned to me for no particular reason. this dream has to start somewhere. you've never had a dream?

>> No.9780409 [View]
File: 70 KB, 1000x493, egyptbarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, that better not have been stirner you were quoting at me. i read him a while ago and iirc loathed the man. perhaps it was rousseau.


>i think the monk/sage/zen master/prophet wandering in the desert kind of "philosopher" is the ideal archetype, which is contradistinction to the socratic philosopher of logos who engages in dialogue and the polis and whose modern manifestation is probably the public intellectual. who then attempts to fix society and fails but is still listened to because after all when the doctor has failed we still want priest on our deathbeds.
i agree. castaneda's shaman resonates with me. sometimes i think heraclitus is boss af. def always laozi & confucius. fixing society is a problem though; you either need a kind of Imperial Emanence (which works i guess if you have it) or to be a partisan. but i dislike partisans and i am not likely to be the Emperor anytime soon. i am much more likely going to be found going quietly insane in a lighthouse and speaking mysterious riddles to passers-by.

>fix thyself first. and maybe you can fix others
agreed. 100%.

>but even if you can't, staring into the desert expanse is worthwhile in itself.

>ofc in this age of mass commodification this fixing of oneself comes at a hefty economic cost.
fuck does it ever. i could surely have been making
>not surely
a little more $$$ instead of reading. the road not traveled i suppose.

>i suppose this is why i have a (probably misguided) aristocratic nostalgia since you had slaves to do all your work and life was 90% leisure 10% go die in battle for glory.
kek me too. unfortunately if you roll like that i'm pretty sure the blood-soaked survivors wind up coming back and killing you. i would love to be a disgusting fat slob floating on a barge on the nile and being fed peeled grapes & fanned with ostrich feathers & thinking about poetry &c but i don't suspect i would last very long
>esp not after the Sea Peoples showed up
>goddamn Sea Peoples
>ruining muh deathless dynasty of god-kings

>The importantance of philosophy, turned into science. How do we use knowledge to improve the world and life. To build space ships and robots, and ski resorts and bullet trains, and how do we make more and better, faster, stronger, and ai, singularity stuff.

>So how much can things really change, and how much of the masses will be left out.
this is why acceleration matters. the robots are coming. we're all going to get fucked by this. i'm going to be in those masses when the time comes. i'm not looking forward to this.


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