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>> No.12003946 [View]
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my pleasure.

there's a PDF at r/theoryfiction, link's in the OP.

For as much as that vision can be fascinating to some, after a while I started finding it hideous: I feel like I should find a way to include evil/entropy into the mechanism of things in a way that makes sense.
it *is* hideous but that doesn't mean it isn't also *there.* such, however, is perhaps the greatest argument for the Landian blackpill: because a genuine sense of horror rinses out a lot of (largely anthropocentric) narcissism that leads either to the Blue or Red teams. it's a harsh dose of electroshock therapy, sometimes, but i personally prefer it to either Unironic Communism or Unironic Fascism, Unironic Totalitarianism either way. horror leads both to skepticism and to mystery, which is anathema to meme politics. an ungrounded earth makes rage-driven monotheism a much harder proposition. and it doesn't mean that necessarily you need to take the plunge into full-bore nihilism and despair, i don't recommend this either. it just means coming to a sense of scale and perspective that goes far beyond political justice. and to a perspective on these things which is a truly planetary, if not inter-planetary, scale.

there's more in what we don't know than in what we do.

>f you interpret these powers as somehow “personal”, in a way in which an AI might look something like a personal god, then you could have divinity and something worth worshipping. This does not imply that you have to be puritanically zealous about it.

right. i would like, however, to also throw a little cold water on the meme about accelerations and Worshiping the Machine Spirits. this obviously is a meme of its own. true, there is a strong dimension of technological determinism in it, but that's because the question is also about the nature and meaning of intelligence itself. *and* the need to couple that intelligence with a moral metaphysics open to the ongoing discovery of technology itself, or mechanology. but obviously a zealous or puritanical drive for Moar Tech is just as silly as anything else. i have a feeling you understand this already, but i felt the need to re-state it if only because i get the impression people think that all we are doing in these threads is jerking off to faster processors. it's not the case. it's Humanity and Space and Tech and Time. vastly more interesting.


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