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>> No.16985406 [View]
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>trying to define races outside of the four main ones is hard
I agree,I cannot do that alone,you can make the difference between a northern and west-southern european however,and continue until you get to a more specific group from the top down
>As you say yourself there have also been crossovers between those populations and the European peoples. So how do you draw a clear map of the races then?
No clue,that doesn't mean it must not be done.
>Before accepting metaphysical doctrines reliant on race at face value, it's probably important to answer that question
I don't really think that,it's not reliant on race at face value,it's more related to inheritance in general I would dare say
>Then there's culture, most people nowadays have no attachment to their roots, I could easily find you the blackest looking dude ever if I went downtown right now and the guy would have no fucking idea what the land of his ancestors even looks like, let alone what their traditions were.
That's a bad thing
>This raises the question: for all the people who were raised in no tradition, but instead were born into the current culture-less landscape of globalism, what is their spiritual heritage? Do they not have any?
Not sure about anything regarding this.
Intution tells me that they don't have any,and this manifests a lot of bad shit.
But idk,maybe somewhere in their subconscious there is something.
For example take hood culture,and how tribal black societies tend to be today,even in first world countries.
Of course I am not a expert on this,I don't even live in a blacked country,but I think this whole hood culture and gangs and shieeet might be a subconcious thing,related to their still recent tribal past.
The bastardization of language is probably the same phenomenon that created all the languages of today,negroids might have some subconscious wish to differentiate themselves even more,and create new culture,and language,since they only lately left their tribal societies
>but that kang empire
>haha white boi doesn't know what he's talking about
Don't care,don't even know if I'm white,white and poc are just retarded modernist terms created relatively recently

Good point,genetic research is kind of getting fucked over by muh globalism.

>> No.16910288 [View]
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>No one is ''pure''
Most ''pure'' europeans are mixed,but between other europeans,not sub-saharan africans
>it has been this way since the beggining of civilization
No,things like the indo-european migration do not compare to what is happening today.

The indo-european invasions were also way more extreme than the shit we have today,you can't compare hordes of indo-euros conquering in all direction in chariots,long before the roman empire,with today

Your view is extremely simplistic,I don't think racemixing should be illegal,just that racemixed people should get a country like brazil,which is probably the most racemixed country in the world,and had fascist movements specifically promoting racemixing
>if people always did this it good
No,the majority of people for the majority of human history genuinly tought females are always inferior to the male,while this is natural,it not good

I can even use your same points to promote retarded ideas like this to showcase how retarded they are:
autistic virgins trying to give rights to women is stupid,women have always served the male and it's a natural phenomena that got us to where we are.
Anyone againts nationalism,as an idea,is a faggot

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