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>> No.11691503 [View]
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kek. ok, i'll admit i'm a brainlet when it comes to the intricacies of crypto. it's just that i've only recently - and praises be to /lit/ for helping me figure it out - figured out some of the connections between deleuze and land, and i got a little excited. i will perform the dance of shame accordingly. you won't be able to see it, but it will be shameful. deleuze thinks the *network,* the infinite becoming-multiple. land re-hegelianizes this by way of marx: teleoplexy is crypto-hegel.

>i sound a little like the five o'clock wojak-poster here, shoutouts to you anon

fuck yes dune stuff! aw yeah.

i mean it's pretty wild to think about. as i indicated earlier, if there's a text anywhere that presents heideggerian thought as narrative, LotR is it. neuromancer is unquestionably the one for land. for the space between those guys, is it dune? things to think about. paul is nothing if not the last oedipal man ripped to pieces by what he sees in his visions. even leto II grasps the impossibility of despotism. becoming-sandworm is only a stage. and the nomadic fremen knock over the emperor in the end. the spice must flow.

this is an incredibly lazy and half-baked analysis, i'll admit. if i have a sin of my own it's making things a little bit too convenient and ready-to-hand, i think. skating over the surface and doing a disservice to the depths of a thing in order to get out a Hot Take. mostly i do this, i think, because i'm more interested in prompting a collective conversation or inquiry into these things, rather than by trying to solve them all quickly by tying them up in a nice ribbon. even if it seems that way.

the mentats, and the mentats alone, are supposed to do the computational thinking in his original model. interestingly tho the major betrayal in dune doesn't actually come from a mentat, but from Dr. Yueh. the Suk training is supposed to make him unbreakably loyal, but it fails. it might have been a different story if herbert had posited the mentats as being a revolutionary force, but they aren't. they still serve at the behest of the tragic and fatal logic of feudalism. which doesn't culminate in or is brought to an end by anything like a *french* revolution but an islamic one.

and then there's the spacing guild too, the navigators. the navigators are still *human* after all, or at least *begin* from that point. even the sandworms are just an indigenous lifeform, albeit one with which leto II can fuse and become this new thing. the navigators have this completely different sensibility through exposure to the spice. maybe they really do dwell on a plane of immanence in that sense. and they can bend space and time, but even then, in herbert's world they're still ultimately beholden to interplanetary politics built on basically feudal principles.

dune hermeneutics is never a waste of your time.

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