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>> No.11298010 [View]
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The examined life

>> No.10025168 [View]
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Anyone else get really psychoanalytic when they're high, and then feel like DFW must have felt before he killed himself? I'll rarely smoke because of this very reason and the anxiety will ramp and I'll try to watch an episode of The Office or Freaks and Greeks where I'll see elements of something I wouldn't've imagined before.

And then the next morning I regret it and chalk it up to nothing.

>> No.9964932 [View]
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>tfw reading Republic for the first time
>on book II
>tfw you will never live in socrates' city

holy FUCK why didnt anyone tell me the greeks could be this C O M F Y?

>> No.9558636 [View]
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You seem to be knowledgeable of the good. Do most people have a sense for the good?

>> No.9384913 [View]
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Would you say it's
f o r
t h e
b e s t ?

>> No.28728 [View]
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He mentions books here and then: mostly in the Kickstarter TV videos. He has mentioned Tolstoy, The Bible, Yeats, Robert Frost, and Aristotle. This alone is hardly enough to justify him being well-read, but he also throws out the phrase "Western Canon." Again, not enough to claim him as well-read, but from this we know he is at least familiar with literature.

He has talked about King, Magician, Warrior, Lover (based off Jungian archetypes [Sam mentioned this too]), Keynesian Economics, and Zizek.

What brings it together for me is the end of "Ideas Man" -- the beautifully crafted montage. He's letting us know that without a deep respect and understanding of the past, we're lost.

>All philosophers share this common error: they proceed from contemporary man and think they can reach their goal through an analysis of this man. Automatically they think of "man" as an eternal verity, as something abiding in the whirlpool, as a sure measure of things. Everything that the philosopher says about man, however, is at the bottom no more than a testimony about the man of a very limited period. Lack of a historical sense is the original error of all philosophers. Nietzsche - Human, All-Too-Human [2]

I'm working on a paper all about it, all about Sam, really, that I hope will help with his awareness, if I nail it.

Probably become a citizen of the world, roam college campuses, gather a following, and eventually drink the poison before the academia to solidify himself as a legend.

So that is Sam in the lobster suit, then, right? Kickstarter TV is fucking top level in every way. Self Help for sure.

>> No.9238792 [View]
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Do you mean to say, that it is possible to write about that, which you do not know?

>> No.9168582 [View]
File: 20 KB, 220x293, hugyhguyuhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So there's this quote/story that's been bugging me because I can't remember where it's from.

I've got a feeling it's Socrates Trial, but I could be mistaken. It could be historical or fictional.

Someone is on trial and at some point he says to the judges/prosecutor/jury "no, you are the one/ones on trial" or something to that effect.

Does anyone know where it's from?

>> No.9133644 [View]
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Have fun explaining your crooked soul to Radamanthys while I converse with Homer in the underworld.

>> No.9088592 [View]
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A philosopher is a friend of wisdom, yes?
Surely you will also admit that God himself has to be wise?
That that which is Godly is necessarily also Good, that should be clear to all of us here, if we are not utter fools.
Would you then claim that by seeking wisdom and becoming closer to God, not Good but rather it's opposite, Bad, would be the result? But if you have followed me thus far, clearly this cannot be the case. This leaves us with no other option than to take back our initial claim and instead claim the opposite.

>> No.9050820 [View]
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>tfw you realise Socrates was right about everything

>> No.8985514 [View]
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Is he the first well documented autist in history?

>> No.8963103 [View]
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Did he just have autism?

>walked around all day talking to people until they had to ignore him and walk away
>asked people the most basic questions all the time
>unkempt, poor, somewhat of an outcast

>> No.8879333 [View]
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What is the nature of "reddit"?

(this is not a shitpost, answer me)

>> No.8875227 [View]
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I have someone in my life who eerily reminds me of Socrates. I've brought it up with him, too, in our discussions. I've said, look, motherfucker, sometimes when we talk I can picture you as Socrates, and me, as your Plato, who will, later when I've gained wisdom will write about these talks.

But in actuality I backtrack and say (because he has never read Plato or any literature outside of entry-level stuff maybe), "Hey, can I tell you something?"

"Hell yes, you can tell me something. God, I hope I can at least have that."

And then I'll go on to explain to him, and then he'll be amazed and say he's thought about me writing about him later. He said maybe I'll change his words, or put my own thought into it, and I said: that's what Plato did.

Without getting into the specifics of what we talk about (God and the idea of a god, twos, life, the metaphysical), I just want to know this: has anyone else had this person in their life? Should I write about this? Fuck.

Or maybe I should glance the first reply to this post, which reads: "jesus christ this isn't your blog, your diary desu," and then flip the script and turn the entire idea into something postmodern, involving anxiety, self-consciousness, and addiction, titling it something hopefully better than "Suckrates."

>> No.8873960 [View]
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>nearly 2415 years since the death of Socrates
>still playing sophistic word games

>> No.8833844 [View]
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Tell me OP, has The Nature of Virtue Itself changed since 1900?

>> No.8815017 [View]
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How can we make people better?

>> No.8815005 [View]
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>only debates retarded 20 year olds, hacks and dumb politicians
>has never debated a proper intellectual
>any time he has come face to face with an actual intellectual he gets btfo
When will he be known for the hack he is?

>> No.8784413 [View]
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Get off my board, Sophist scum

>> No.8778031 [View]
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t. Sograddes :-DD

>> No.8747051 [View]
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>> No.8740011 [View]
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Haha ayy lmao it's like junk food for the soul amirite
t. Soul Midwife

>> No.8737423 [View]
File: 20 KB, 220x293, 21-12-01-220px-Socrates_Louvre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sophist tells me man is the measure of things
>tell him no

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