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>> No.15855655 [View]
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It doesn't reinforce anything. Identity politics was originally introduced into the west by communists, not liberals and not capitalists. This is just leftism playing itself out yet again, with idiots like yourself having to make no true scotsmen arguments about how "real leftism" doesn't include identity politics.

>> No.15520589 [View]
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>Soviet influence in the US was always minimal
This isn't true. Both sides had a cultural war going on and the communists had penetrated a lot of the US either explicitly or through training/recruiting people. See pic related for one of many examples. They had people everywhere. You're as bad as the "cultural marxist" guys if you say this is one-sided and try to minimalize it. Post-Cold War Russian intelligence literature (mostly untranslated) is filled with similar conspiracy theories about their culture being undermined (google the "dulles' plan" for the russian equivalent of "cultural marxist" conspiracy theory). This was the consequence of the ideological war between liberals and communists.


The books above by Bittman and the ones on Munzenberg are better than anything Bezmenov came out with.

>> No.15333353 [View]
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>Do you think the Jews tried to kill the Irish President JFK because he the Irish are a threat to Jewish World Domination?
It'd be great if they were a threat. The annihilation of israel and the global jewish criminal clan would be a good for humanity. The last 20 years of zionist neocon manipulation prove that.
>Its obvious that Irish were using Black Civil Rights as a foil to distract from their own pedo crimes in the Catholic Church
A significantly large amount of """American""" communists that manipulated black nationalists were jewish. See pic related. As to the analogy between the catholic church and jewish pedophile networks, we went over this yesterday (to which you had no good counter, because you're only counter is a /pol/ meme about the irish): there is a difference between RC cases and the jewish cases. The RC case has open investigation and a chance at bringing these people to justice and flushing them out. There is widespread reporting and investigation when it does happen. Jewish cases, internally protected by mesirah, rarely get out. When they do get out, the media rarely do the requisite digging (see the difference between NYT reporting compared to the Miami paper that brought the Epstein stuff back to the public), and leave it for alt-media types, like the Mint Press guys that dug up the Mossad and jewish organized crime connections to Epstein. The Epstein case exemplifies another difference: that the jews are using sexual blackmail as a political control at points of power that most sane people (not you) would consider powerful decision makers, including two separate US presidents from different political parties. There's no catholic pedo analog of that in terms of an intelligence operation involving targeting powerful people with a probable unknown child-slave logistics system that's yet to be unearthed (another difference as well: there's restorative justice for the still alive rape victims of pedo priests, but none for the victims of jewish organized crime). While all pedos should be destroyed, one group is mostly seeing their comeuppance; while the other is not being brought to justice at all (and probably never will, because they have influence everywhere). The differences couldn't be more stark, but you seem to get great glee at shifting the issue when this is brought up, which shows you're not really motivated by taking on actual organized evil.

>> No.15191870 [View]
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It was already achieved 80+ years ago. You are living in its remnants.

>> No.15145761 [View]
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>and? they were based?
This is always the case with you slimy rats. If it is not your fault, then it is good. Thanks anyway for owning up to the fact that identity politics was being supported by the Soviets before the CIA got their hands on it.
>the early movement was nothing like what came later. at the beginning they were overtly socialist in the real sense, not idpol
Yes it was. The commie gay liberation guys all supported NAMBLA you fucking pedo supporter: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Hay
>wrong the cia admits this on their own site
Read a book on pre cold war history you fucking retarded faggot. See pic related for a random one. It's the exact same shit taking place today: gatekeeping literary commie types using idpol but before the OSS/CIA.

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