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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.20041697 [View]
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450K I suspect. There are four books, each of ~100K words, with a small time gap between each of the books at a logical stopping point (such as where minutia would be brought in excessively to make it seamless). So the first book happened, and the time between the next book and the first was three years to drive the plot. The next book will have a one year gap, and the next one I think will have a two year gap.

How popular is Royal Road? What can you tell me about it from your experience?

>> No.10256246 [View]
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what you actaully need to study is mergers and acquisitions, which is the division of Pierce and Pierce that Patrick Bateman, BBA, MBA worked for during the 1980s and early 1990s.

>> No.10189407 [View]
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>establishing the locality, mood or thought in the first line

i never realized how much i dislike this

>> No.10063338 [View]
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I read books;

The following line is an excerpt from a book I am reading.

>In what sense, then, does the early theory serve as explanandum for the later one? Begin with the fact that Metaphysics Z
is dominated by the emergence of substantial form as the new claimant to the title of primary substance. With this
comes something entirely foreign to the Categories, namely, hylomorphic analysis, or the analysis of a c-substance in
terms of its form and its matter. This is not merely a methodological innovation but brings with it two ‘entities’ not
even mentioned in the early treatise—form and matter. From the point of view of the Categories, primary substances, csubstances,
are taken as unanalyzed primitives. Although some find in this evidence that Aristotle did not yet have the
idea of hylomorphism, according to the basic idea of this essay the Categories exhibits no interest in the structure of its
fundamental entities because this is irrelevant to their role in its theory of underlying ontological configurations for
standard categorial statements. Metaphysics Z, on the other hand, is consumed by the question of structure precisely
because of the specific nature of its explanatory project. In particular, it undertakes to explain the nature of those
entities that are the fundamental primitives of the theory of the early treatise. It has no interest in replacing them with
something better suited to perform their function.

This excerpt, as I stated prior, is from a book. That I am reading.

>> No.9982896 [View]
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>other subjects in this thread have yet to grasp the identity of subject-object identity and subject-object non-identity

>> No.9868228 [View]
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At the end of the day, isn't Jung just an inadvertent, and less developed, attempt at reformulating the Hegelian project minus the strong metaphysical speculative logic?

>> No.9298866 [View]
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Wow, girls seem to really like writing. I think I'll practice my writing skills again, my writing has always been praised since I was very young, but I never took it particularly seriously. Coupled with my music and drawing skills, I could attract any qt in the world.

>> No.9145621 [View]
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>> No.9049484 [View]
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I just saw the movie and I have a question for those who read the book:

>Does Patrick Bateman really works or he just sits in his office (where he has a place juste because he is related to wealthy and influential people) and do nothing all day, just pretending to actually work?

>> No.6663384 [View]
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>> No.6644494 [View]
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>> No.6611118 [View]
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Very good.

>> No.5240179 [View]
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>> No.4995030 [DELETED]  [View]
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>at internship I only got due to dad knowing the managing director
>they don't really give much work and the 3 main guys who know me and my dad, and are the bosses, aren't at the office
>from 9 am - 10 am I work on a report
>from 10 - 1 I read Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde from project gutenberg
>in the same job 2 years ago I read the time machine, island of dr moreau, and sherlock short stories

Reading feels even better when you're getting paid for it. Which books have you read this way?

>> No.4979616 [DELETED]  [View]
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>start reading The Illustrated MAn by ray bradbury
>first two stories are good
>third story was about all the black people escaping from earth away from evil whitey
>whitey has fucked up their earth
>then got sleepy becasue I was reading right before sleeping

Should I even bother reading on? I loved F451 both times I read it. I gave up on something wicked this way comes becsaue it was way too long winded for what it was trying to be. The MArtian Chronicles felt like dated sci-fi.

>> No.4972291 [DELETED]  [View]
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I'm from London UK, and I saw a very big boxing fight with a lot of real "men" on the weekend. The difference and testosterone is astounding.

Drinking beer, talking ideas, being a lad, banter, it was absolutely brilliant. I felt like a real fucking man. Not a little pussy at all. It was an experience I never did often. With a group of new friends I very much enjoyed as there was no pussy bollocks. No whining, or complaining, real men talk.

Most of the guys were built, dressed well, very tall, and just confident was amazing.

Fast forward to a book club I recently joined on sunday (day after) with 25 odd of us. Queue the beta males in the mid to late 20s all settling down obsessing over their literary fiction.

Their dress sense was ridiculous. Shirts like a hipster, classic skinny top, belly hunched bodies...and ruled by an iron fist of their imaginations.

No banter, all missed the fight because either they were too tired, or were "out having dinner." What did they all say to me "damn i really wanted to watch that!"

Their bodies have deteriorated (they are in their LATE 20s) their manliness has evaporated, and their conversation, oh yes all about their latest reads.

Thats not the man I want to be. If thats what settling down is, I'd rather shoot myself in the cock.

Beta males are the comfortable, onesie wearing, losers that swap the gym and hard graft for a cup of cocoa and a hot water bottle.

Don't be that fucking guy. Never be that guy.

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