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>> No.16760626 [View]
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Explain to him a bit of eastern philosophy about things like Samsara or the Temporal nature that plagues mankind and all liberal thought, and he will begin to appreciate the state and law.

After that Give him Revolt against the modern world and you should be set.

>> No.16452102 [View]
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*looks at the entire history of human civilization, particularly and exclusively the best parts and aspects*

>Wtf is this spiritual Nonsense?? haha downvoted!!! Xdxdxdx!!!

>> No.16439355 [View]
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You clearly haven't read Evola. You are mentioning the very problems Evola talks about in depth all through his works. Larp hurts us more than anything and he acknowledges this. He's saying to actually become religious and heroic and dives extremely deep into this process, not to just play pretend. But atheists like most spenglerians cannot separate themselves from the fact that religion is just an idea. Everything Evola extrapolated in his work was about taking off the bullshit layers of modernity and modern "religion" and re-igniting their true function and meaning in a way where a person can fully and confidently interact with the wisdom at all times as if it was 3000 B.C.

If you declare Evolas level of Religious investment a larp then you have to declare every religious notion mankind has ever conceived since the dawn of time to be a larp. Which once again, for the spenglarian, is their just conclusion. That it's all a larp, which for Evola is completely irrelevant. If everything we've ever done and worked for as a species was a larp then it is a necessary larp and the single most precious thing and answer that anyone at any time could conceive of. It then ought to be given sacred primacy. You will never be able to replace or de-legitimize religion/morality/law in a human world, and Nietzsches Overman is a blatantly ridiculous pipedream.

Lastly, Evola isn't trying to save the West, cause he knows it can't be. He's trying to save the last few souls who matter and invigorate them in their spiritual battle. Facing death or circumstance with an unwavering conviction and bravery. Who gives a shit if I die fighting globohomo and then go to Valhalla. All a hardcore spenglerian would do is cry and pout themselves into autistic promethean tradgedy meanwhile Evola-chads feel at one with God, Slay pussy and enjoy life venerating the Sun and Stars. Give up on your fucking western culture that shit'll come back in [x],000 years after the next cycle begins. Defend it while you're here but understand that your consciousness is your story, it can either be a first person heroic path or an autistic doom and gloom documentary. Fuck optimism and pessimism, They are both cowardice and oriented by baby eggheads feefees. Action is bravery.

I believe 200% of what I just told you and so did Evola, none of it was larp to try to appease intellectuals or thinker types. It's pure belief in what we know work. Like I said Spengler and Evola is the gateway to the final discourse on the fate of modern humankind. I appreciate both A LOT. But I really think I picked the cooler one desu.

And food for thought, atheists, and not you in particular but atheists see the flaw in religion but never propose anything better to fill the gap. Because belief in something is such an integral part of human consciousness and ontology that without it we would only be gorillas, theres no missing step, we have what we damn well need.

Alright cool I'll check it out.

>> No.16427697 [View]
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Cause it's utterly useless besides an immediate outside context for the smartest minds.

For every other circumstance it's just dangerous retardation.

>> No.16426711 [View]
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Pro tip: you can't
Hint: (atheists and libertarians are marxists)

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