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>> No.16061191 [View]
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Okay I keep explaining this around here but I'll give you my rundown.

The MKUltra program did in fact happen. There was this totally deluded notion concocted by some brainlet in the CIA that by giving somebody LSD you could turn them into a perfect Manchurian Candidate, some kind of brainwashed super-soldier kind of thing, fully compartmentalized, no free-will, that kind of thing.

Well obviously this idea is dumb as shit and it didn't work. The feds did find out however that LSD could drive people crazy, particularly their own spooks who they were experimenting on. So during the 1960's counter cultural revolution, LSD was being shilled through the grateful dead in the same way that Marijuana and Cocaine were being sold in black communities. They wanted to make this the cool counter-cultural thing, so that they could arrest political dissidents for life. Secondarily, this drug had the added benefit of incapacitating some of the revolutionary potential of the hippies, pushing these drugs was a way to keep the hippie movement chaotic and disorganized.

I think the hippies largely had good intentions, but ultimately they failed to accomplish their revolution, in fact things got substantially worse after them. As far as Leary, McKenna, and Rogan are concerned, if they are CIA operatives, then it is very likely that they are gate-keepers and barometers. Their job is to make sure that the psychedelic movement doesn't spill over into radical revolutionary violence. In this way they are essentially blackmailed into being spooks, the only way they don't go to prison is by occassionally towing the company line as far as it concerns the CIA. This is why Rogan is required to have that CIA agent Mike Baker on his show all of the time. Rogan needs to keep pumping out pro-America propaganda that will win over the psychedelic underground.


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