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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.19631170 [View]
File: 415 KB, 388x518, Taleb's_picture_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Taleb, imbecile

>> No.18872088 [View]
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Why is he so obsessed with denying he's an Arab when we all know he clearly is? Is this the new level of irony?

>> No.18841356 [View]
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Is he /ourguy/?

>> No.16904484 [View]
File: 415 KB, 388x518, 3CCC3F9C-B3BC-4990-90D2-8D30B1E16835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memes aside, what does /lit/ think of his books?

>> No.16496307 [View]
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But they do anon

>> No.15285428 [View]
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How did he manage to BTFO so many people in only 4 books?

>> No.15203496 [View]
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>> No.15180561 [View]
File: 415 KB, 388x518, Taleb's_picture_001 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pseudoscientific BS. Fuck off with your IYI study.

>> No.15176326 [View]
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>My parents had an account with the largest bookstore in Beirut and I would pick up books in what seemed to me unlimited quantities. There was such a difference between the shelves of the library and the narrow school material; so I realized that school was a plot designed to deprive people of erudition by squeezing their knowledge into a narrow set of authors. I started, around the age of thirteen, to keep a log of my reading hours, shooting for between thirty and sixty a week, a practice I’ve kept up for a long time. I read the likes of Dostoyevsky, Turgenev, Chekhov, Bishop Bossuet, Stendhal, Dante, Proust, Borges, Calvino, Céline, Schultz, Zweig (didn’t like), Henry Miller, Max Brod, Kafka, Ionesco, the surrealists, Faulkner, Malraux (along with other wild adventurers such as Conrad and Melville; the first book I read in English was Moby-Dick) and similar authors in literature, many of them obscure, and Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Marx, Jaspers, Husserl, Lévi-Strauss, Levinas, Scholem, Benjamin, and similar ones in philosophy because they had the golden status of not being on the school program, and I managed to read nothing that was prescribed by school so to this day I haven’t read Racine, Corneille, and other bores. One summer I decided to read the twenty novels by Émile Zola in twenty days, one a day, and managed to do so at great expense. Perhaps joining an underground anti-government group motivated me to look into Marxist studies, and I picked up the most about Hegel indirectly, mostly through Alexandre Kojève.
>When I decided to come to the United States, I repeated, around the age of eighteen, the marathon exercise by buying a few hundred books in English (by authors ranging from Trollope to Burke, Macaulay, and Gibbon, with Anaïs Nin and other then fashionable authors de scandale), not showing up to class, and keeping the thirty- to sixty-hour discipline.

>> No.15166595 [View]
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>More than 50 % of psychology papers do not replicate, I'm sure that more than 99% of what your grandmother told you does

>We need to learn from collective experience over time
Metaphorical truths >>>>>>>>>>> bogus statistical "analysis"

>> No.14118134 [View]
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I'm not even against Pascal's wager; I just feel that Taleb's argument for faith is much more convincing.

>> No.14077200 [View]
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Yes, read all of Taleb's works. He's a genius.

>> No.14060541 [View]
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What do I need to read to become the next Taleb?

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