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>> No.18282704 [View]
File: 1.40 MB, 2425x1626, Jean-Léon Gérôme – Police Verso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a 'collage' of many coments on a now deleted thread on conservatism. Before it was completely gone, I was able to get some of it. This is more of a compilation; but I have added some elements of mine. ((You), dear reader, might see a few words of yours)

>Conservatism, as it’s been long discussed, is dead. Though perhaps it doesn’t seem that way, because its corpse is seen ambling about with a caring look on its decomposing face.
I’ll be looking at some of the aspects of its foreseeable demise, since its inception.

>Now, I do not speak of neoconservatism, which was always colonial progressivism, which spoke the conservative dialect, but only as a mechanism to gather more arms for its side. With the rise of Trump, neoconservatives threw off the mask and have rejoined their comrades.
>Let’s instead look at a small slice of applied conservatism. Actually, two such slices, within the social aspect, since they reinforce one another.
>Donald Trump recently appointed Richard Grenell as acting director of national intelligence. He was up until then the Ambassador for Germany. Grenell is open about his preference for sodomy, and, as reported by the NYT, was the one leading figures for the “global push to decriminalize homosexuality.”
>This in itself is neither here nor there, except to show Trump is in the conservative camp, at least partially. Grenell favors sodomy, which, as tradition has it, is a most vile sin that cries out to Heaven for justice.

>Conservativism, therefore, isn’t aligned with tradition.

>Now the second slice, this time from another self-identifying conservative, who has a piece in the Washington Examiner about a celebrity who is touting his child (the celebrity’s child) as a “transgender”.
>A transgender is a person everybody knows is pretending to be or is delusional enough to believe he or she is the opposite sex. To say transgender woman of a person instead of just woman is to acknowledge the truth. If people really believed a transgender woman was a woman, they would not use the prefix.
>This is effeminacy: a characteristic trait of zombie conservatism. Of course, the father should have reacted with hate – hate the sin, hate the loss of sanity in his child, hate the culture that supports the lie. The father should in no way countenance the lie. If the child is truly delusional, then get the child help.

>[As an aside, we can ask: help from whom? Therapists? Recall the “recovered memory” panic of the late 1990s, a panic that led to jailings, loss of families, heartbreak, all because of idiot therapists who entertained the asinine theory that people can “recover” memories. The memories were always of a terrible nature, of course. And it’s now those same therapists driving transexual madness.]


>> No.18003764 [View]
File: 1.40 MB, 2425x1626, Jean-Léon Gérôme – Police Verso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a general list.
I have Jacques Ellul in there as well and he's a Christian anarchist.
The fascists are in the third Positionist category.

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