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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.11686975 [View]
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aaaarrh, right in the feels.

thanks, anon. all glory to /lit/ & its merry band of malcontents. good luck out there.

>just wait till blockchain rears it's decentralized head; distributed computing networks which have no central authority, are completely trustless, and turing complete to boot.

aye. this is the big one. "copernican" doesn't feel like an understatement. kind of crazy to think that we are actually going to live through it, no? sometimes history isn't as dead as the french and germans like to think it is. robotics and cybernetics is a big fucking deal. combine that with BTC and ethereum &c and it's hold-on-to-your-butts time.

>Land's blockchain book when
preach it

anyways, as we wait for Uncle Nick's tractatus logico-cyberneticus...there's always other interesting things to read. this essay made me inclined to want to take a second look at derrida for a few things as well.

>Let us conjecture that the invention of the transistor — an auto-controllable circuit — indicates the attainment of a critical level of development in cybernetics, a “tipping point.” Then for writing the corresponding moment is the invention of the video camera, perhaps more precisely the photograph: now seeing is writing, literally marking. Visio-literature is the only kind that can ever exists for us today — even ancient literature is post-modern for 21st-century readers. We cannot simply forget the history of writing, which is also the history of humanity — a spirit which is more like a ghost successively inhabiting our bodies, then our writing-instruments, then our machines, and next…?

>Driven by a new kind of virtue, cybernetics questions the character or essence of humanity. It ungrounds our classical assumptions, our metaphysical coordinates. It has an uncanny tendency to dissolve rigorous divisions between human beings and animals, and then in turn the holy division between animals and machines. Ontological collapse. Becoming-machine is always a becoming-animal, but the dissolution goes even further than this.

>Derrida is reminding us that cybernetics, in some sense, also points to the closure of a certain metaphysical and historical age — not merely that it is a new science of writing equally as “deep” as philosophy, but on the contrary, that cybernetics has a tendency to precisely supplant philosophy, as writing had already done to images.


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