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>> No.20733233 [View]
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These examples aren’t macroevolution, lol. These are birds becoming other sorts of birds, and fish fish, etc. Creationists and proponents of intelligent design will not even deny this. The definition of species used by evolutionists is also a problem, because it is just a population that interbreeds among itself (Ernst Mayr’s Biological Species Concept, which is flawed because it only works with sexually reproducing organisms, among other problems)—but there are other definitions as well.

Biblical models of creation deal with a higher order concept than ‘species’ (whatever the fuck that word means). The Bible teaches us about Baramin that produce after their kind.

>Such a definition is called a species concept; there are at least 26 recognized species concepts.
And thus 26 definitions of speciation

>> No.20706808 [View]
File: 815 KB, 1427x989, 899C5E73-F67F-4742-A374-F5B6AF87B420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no prophecies in previous Scripture predicting Muhammad. Muslims deny obvious historical facts such as the crucifixion. Muslims have no proof that the Bible is ‘tahrif’ or corrupt in anyway. The Qur’an is filled with errors, saying that Mary is the sister of Aaron and daughter of Amram. The Qur’an was not preserved. The greatest reciter of the Qur’an had a different mushaf. Verses were left out, as Umar said regarding the verse about stoning. Multiple musahif with different amounts of surahs and different readings of the rasm exist. The Qur’an is plagiarized from Syro-Aramaic Christian texts. Islam is a meme inspired by the devil.

The Islamic prophet Dhu al-Qurnayn (He of Two Horns) is traditionally identified with pagan king Alexander the Great. His name comes from coins depicting him as Zeus Ammon, a two-horned pagan god. Hardly a champion of monotheism, here! Dhu al-Qurnayn’s stories are also filled with information from Syrian legends like called the Alexander Romance, saying that the sun sets in a pool of murky water in the West.

There are also no prophecies predicting Muhammad in previous scriptures. Muslims also declare all previous scriptures corrupted to avoid this problem, but the Qur’an remains unproven. There is no historical evidence for any of this alleged corruption. The Qur’an also asks Christians (5:47) to judge by the Gospel to assess the Qur’an’s claims, but why would Allah ask us to judge by a corrupted scripture, or a scripture that has been lost? It’s stupid, and there’s no evidence of the “book” given to Jesus.

Muhammad was also a caravan-robbing polygamist pedophile. Jesus said to judge prophets by their fruits. Muhammad fails on all accounts. John, Jude, Paul and many others warn against false prophets that will come to lead men from the Gospel. Muhammad is one. Paul even warns of Satan disguising himself as an “angel of light”. Muhammad got his revelation from “Jibreel”, an entity claiming to be Gabriel giving him revelation contradicting all previous scripture. He never got the Qur’an from God. It was all from Jibreel.

The earliest generations of Christians—Paul, the Twelve, Ignatius of Antioch, Irenaeus, Polycarp, etc. all declared Jesus Christ to be divine, just like the OT teaches. Multiple groups of pre-Christian Jews also believed in a divine Word of God, such as Philo of Alexandria and many groups referred to as ‘minim’ by Talmudic Jews.

Muhammad is told to ask Christians if he is confused about anything (Q 10:94)— listen up!

>> No.20578848 [View]
File: 815 KB, 1427x989, 84B995FF-9737-4F48-AF03-DBA3D29C0396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> neither does the early Church concur with that statement
Catholics claim to be ‘apostolic’ yet don’t even know what the Fathers taught. I suggest you read Fr. Seraphim’s letter to set you aright, as the Latin church has been in recent decades plagued with the heresy of Teilhardism. Meanwhile the Orthodox Church has stood strong, preserving the teachings of the Fathers on Genesis, as exhibited by St. Theophan the Recluse, St. Paisios the Athonite, St. John of Kronstadt, Fr. Seraphim Rose, Fr. Daniel Sysoev (martyred for the faith), and many, many others.


>> No.20533849 [View]
File: 815 KB, 1427x989, 4469C3EC-6604-4DA8-8E1B-B8602DD38E7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some of the best that I have read:
> The Design of Life: Discovering Signs of Intelligence in Biological Systems by William Dembski and Jonathan Wells
>Genesis, Creation and Early Man: The Orthodox Christian Vision by Fr. Seraphim Rose
> The Ultimate Proof of Creation by Dr. Jason Lisle
> The Rape Of Man And Nature: An Enquiry Into The Origins And Consequences Of Modern Science by Philip Sherrard
>Icons of Evolution by Jonathan Wells
>The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas Kuhn

>> No.20465255 [View]
File: 815 KB, 1427x989, D56300FD-34AB-458F-98DE-858437624F03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evolution is a heresy based on dubious and non-Christian philosophical assumptions. It is based on the conflation of varieties and species, and the idea that a variety is no more than an incipient species. There is zero evidence for molecules-to-man macroevolution in the fossil record, and the fossil record does not support the sort of gradualism described by Darwin. Indeed the fossil record is so damaging to Darwinism that evolutionists have concocted theories that explain away the lack of evidence and claim that it is actually evidence for evolution happening at rapid speed (punctuated equilibrium). When one realizes that even the smallest components of our body, cells, are super-complex structures with interacting parts, and that DNA is literally a coded language of sorts that determines what we are biologically, the idea of evolution becomes absurd. Is natural selection real? Yes. Is genetic drift real? Yes. Can varieties within a species be great? Yes, compare Great Danes and Chihuahuas.

From a Christian perspective, God did not create death. Wisdom of Solomon 1:13-15 shows this. Death and sin came into the world through the actions of a single man. Romans 5:12 makes this very clear. Romans 8:18-25 teaches us that the world subjected to futility and is under the bondage of decay—this is the direct result of Adam’s trangression, which affected the entire universe.

Science operates on presuppositions within a paradigm / framework. Evidence is interpreted within this framework. The framework of modern science is naturalism. They attempt to explain everything via matter in motion without reference to God or any intelligent direction. They operate on assumptions like the past going back billions of years (proof? They have to just assume it), as well as ideas like the laws of nature always being identical as to how they are today, which is an unfounded assumption too. Science can’t even reach Eden, because it was so different from the world today. Induction and testing can’t be done on a world that functioned completely differently.

>> No.20266904 [View]
File: 815 KB, 1427x989, 80F6D58D-3611-4BBD-9748-288429D62FF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theistic evolution is not Biblical. God did not create death. Wisdom of Solomon 1:13-15 makes this as clear as day. Death and sin came into the world through the actions of a single man. Romans 5:12 makes this very clear. Romans 8:18-25 teaches us that the world subjected to futility and is under the bondage of decay—this is the direct result of Adam’s trangression, which affected the entire universe. You’re telling us to believe in a God which create death, which created a world that was corrupted and decaying for billions of years. This is not the God of the Bible.

Young Earth creationism is clearly put forth in God’s Word and I’ve never seen a good reason to not believe it in favor of worldly wisdom that always relies on dubious presuppositions and interpretations of the evidence from a non-Biblical and secular paradigm.

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