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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.7352601 [View]
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Jesus Christ this guy was a trip
>get into really high-demand rock star professor's fiction writing class
>he comes to class ten minutes late wearing a sweaty bandanna around his had and wiping himself with another one
>"Oh sorry guy, my tennis game ran long."
>Hands out syllabus
>it's all shit like Steven King and the scripts to Disney movies
>rambles on for the rest of class about how tennis and irony don't get along because you have to be totally sincere to play tennis
>It's shallow and pedantic, but nobody says anything because the professor seems kinda crazy
>next week
>turn in stories
>get them back five weeks later, barely marked but still soaked in sweat, like he marked them on the walk to class from the tennis courts
>mine says "Pynchon/10, try harder"
>all the girls papers just say, "see me after class"

>> No.7252120 [View]
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Financial reasons
>yfw you realize most bibles are published by a conglomerate that keeps the prices artificially high and ruthlessly pursues IP claims on random translations they shat out

>> No.7225480 [View]
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Wardine say her momma aint treat her right. Reginald he come round to my blacktop at my building where me and Delores Epps jump double dutch and he say, Clenette, Wardine be down at my crib cry say her momma aint treat her right, and I go on with Reginald to his building where he live at, and Wardine be sit deep back in a closet in Reginald crib, and she be cry.

>> No.7222665 [View]
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>This is what Christians actually believe.

>> No.7218481 [View]
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>there are people on /lit/ RIGHT NOW who think the average person is intelligent or curious enough to be a meaningful part of the political conversation
Visit your local library branch and tell me if democracy was a good idea.

>> No.7207141 [View]
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Tragedy and comedy in the classical sense encompass all of fiction.

>> No.7179815 [View]
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>being Mexican

>> No.7178906 [View]
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It's gotta be DFW.
>internet fame
All those Infinite Summer boards and threads.
>premature death
He was middle aged by normie standards but that's young for a writer.
DFW and Zyzz were both all about being out front with things and not getting caught up in self-pity.
>Audience pussy
Zyzz laid girls from clubs and music festivals; DFW laid girls from writing workshops and conferences. This checks out.

>> No.7132921 [View]
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FILM AT 11:00.

>> No.7115940 [View]
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>book doesn't have endnotes

>> No.7110867 [View]
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It would induce the howling fantods.

>> No.7089804 [View]
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I'm going to put my penis inside as many vaginas as possible, because that's the meaning of life.

As many of them as possible will be audience pussy pulled from my bimbo brigade.

>> No.7063799 [View]
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>dfw Pynchon will never be your dad
>dfw you'll never smoke dank and watch The Simpsons and Evangelion with papa Pynch
>dfw he will never sez he loves you after an ironic night out at Dorsia to celebrate the release of Mason and Dixon
Life is fucking torture

>> No.7056167 [View]
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Jesus, that attempt to dissect a passage from The Half Skinned Steer is so bad. The choice of "unfurling" instead of something related to thread and spools isn't dissonant, it's an easing or zeroing in on the primary metaphor. Too much about thread and spooling becomes heavy-handed. Also, saying that something is meant to be read quickly isn't really a criticism. There are readers who read quickly and retain everything, and this sort of prose is for them and slower readers who are still smart enough to understand what the author is up to.

The attack on McCarthy doesn't deserve a response. Again, this is all meant to be taken in at a glance so it contributes to the novel's overall tone and emotional impact. McCarthy's prose still flows well enough to be read quickly, something that evades most writers.

I hate to be that asshole calling things "entry-level," but some stuff is seriously better for those with slower reading speed and lower retention, and there's nothing wrong with that, but acting like nobody should write for highly effective and demanding readers is ludicrous.

>> No.7036556 [View]
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Jesus, that's more horrifying than anything McCarthy wrote.
This shit probably has something to do with why white people started taking aboriginal and Native American children to grow up in western-style homes and schools, huh?

>> No.7028690 [View]
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>> No.6890496 [View]
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If I take off that bandanna, will you die?
>It would induce the howling fantods
That's a pretty big book...
W/r/t you (278)

278. For you. A reference to an abstruse phenomenon of referencing to the awkward dialogue between two characters occurring between two characters during a scene in the Y.S.J.W film "The Dark Night Rises" on a Cantonese erotic cartoon forum(a) frequented largely by socially inept white males circa the sixth year of O.N.A.N subsidised time(b).

a. Another obscurant self-referential joke exercised between members of said community. The forum, an American rendering of a Japanese style bulletin board system originally intended for the discussion of Japanese animated and graphic media i.e 'anime' now has an array of topic orientated sub-forums.

b. The Year of the Mouth Fedora

>> No.6880256 [View]
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>dfw no quint zeros

>> No.6838109 [View]
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>not having talent
>not getting an MFA
>not drowning in audience pussy at the fiction writing courses you teach at a state university as a sideline while you publish novels
You fucked up.

>> No.6837995 [View]
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So you're too much of a formalist to enjoy GR. That's not an insult, just the way she goes. I suspect you're also underestimating the novel if you think it's substantially less complex than Ulysses. Yes, I've taken a scholarly approach to both.

>> No.6751441 [View]
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What is it with The Big Bang Theory and anyone with even a shred of pleb upbringing?
>Dad has PhD in a STEM field
>made my siblings and I start with Greek/Germanic/Norse/Roman/Native American/Biblical myth when we were little
>natural athlete
>world traveller
>gets invited to speak in favor of basic scientific literacy at churches
>teachers and friends' moms all comment on how tall and handsome he is to the point of being inappropriate

>mfw he sits down to watch The Big Bang Theory for an hour, laughing his ass off the whole time

wtf, really

>> No.6743776 [View]
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Pleb family stories? Pleb family stories.
>tfw Dad has PhD in a STEM field.
>tfw he knows fucking everything off the top of his head, and if he didn't know it can look it up in his own library in a heartbeat.
>Actually made my sister and I start with the Greeks.
>teachers and friends' moms all blatantly lust after him and ask if he's with the military or "something else"
>he doesn't have a military haircut at all, so they must think he's in intelligence or special warfare
>tfw he's also a natural athlete and skilled outdoorsman
>mfw he sits down to watch an hour of Big Bang Theory, laughing to the point of tears throughout

I-is Big Bang Theory actually patrician and I'm just missing it?

>> No.6728953 [View]
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>not paid
nobody cares, tbh

>> No.6671323 [View]
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"A Dog's Tale"

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