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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.10113306 [View]
File: 439 KB, 640x360, smug racist.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Anyone esteemed by the intersectional crowd tends to be extremely bland.

Imagine that.

>> No.9473538 [View]
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Oh well, eventually the department of art history will lose its funding and we can go back to real art.

>> No.9101651 [View]
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Good thing I'll never have to defend my citizenship by tallying up how much tax I pay or how many soccer goals I score. Citizenship is my birthright, and I'll never have to justify it to anyone. I could be a drunken bum on the street and it still wouldn't matter.

>> No.8825780 [View]
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>All across the west people are rejecting multiculturalism/neoliberalism and are turning to right-wing populist parties and politicians who are anti-immigrant and anti-globalization.

Maybe I'm not that well informed but I think it's too soon to say. In any case I think the current social conflict can only be good for the arts. The kind of authors and literary magazines that call white people buffoons have been producing irrelevant trash for a long time, and English departments are even worse. They're living a hermetic little echo chamber and I think it's a mistake to pretend their opinions ever mattered or affected anyone other than themselves. You need some sturm and drang in your life to either do things worth writing about or write things worth reading about.

>> No.8516291 [View]
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"Hate speech" is literally a crime in many countries, and the definition of "hate speech" goes beyond incitement to violence. In 2014 British man was arrested for quoting Churchill in public.


>You can say whatever you like, you cuck, you just have to deal with being called out on it and criticized sometimes

Keep hitting that strawman buddy. You're also wrong by the way, protection against the Heckler's Veto is part of free speech, and in many cases no-platforming disrupts events that private venues had already approved. It's funny how twitter only bans white males. There were dozens of Muslim accounts celebrating the Orlando shooting, yet afaik none of them were banned. If twitter "censorship" was applied fairly, it wouldn't be an issue.

I mean I know it's fun to try to out-contrarian the contrarians on 4chan but you're making yourself look like an idiot.

>> No.8471445 [View]
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I've been meaning to ask for a long time, is there conservative, sort of borderline nazi, version of r/latestagecapitalism?

I want a website that documents cultural decline, the creep of Islam, progressivist excess, "degeneracy" etc. In a funny way r/latestagecapitalism kind of works, but it's far from ideal. Sometimes I need a break from the hard intellectual labor of sniggering along with Steve Sailer and just want to look at pictures of cucks.

>> No.8441409 [View]
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the morality man does not approve of any degenerate behavior

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