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>> No.21327470 [View]
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I'm one of the good ones tee hee please anon SHAAAAARE

(I want someone to listen to while I play total war)

>> No.19195134 [View]
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Your post is precisely why I am reluctant to buy games from my childhood that are re-released or remastered. I'll remember everything, the story, the music, etc. But the moment I had playing the game when I was but a child will no longer be there. It just won't be the same anymore.
Okami HD is on sale right now, and I have very fond memories of playing it in my common room while my sister played Dido's music in the background. It's not price that's the problem, its the memories.

>> No.19185640 [View]
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on the first week i had moved to another city for school i went to a bookshop and asked an attendant if they had any Lovecraft and the girl snickered to her friend

>> No.18645195 [View]
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>> No.16175912 [View]
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>tfw my sister is 30 and only reads/has only read YA books
>she's obsessed with fantasy and theater and dressing up and her shelves are covered in thousands of different books with basically the same plot
>she is an incredibly frightened person and only sees the world through the lens of her fears and her own (imagined) victimhood
is she THE prototypical adult YA reader?

>> No.14063225 [View]
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>> No.13731464 [View]
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low self-esteem has nothing to do with it. when a beautiful stranger smiles at you, she could be anything. she could be a pure, innocent, heavenly angel - all your lofty, yet hypocritical, ideals embodied into a person. if some slut is trying to grab your dick, there's no idealist's mystery , you know she's a slut, you know she is trash, so why would you want her? maybe you'll let her suck you off, but you won't even fuck her because it would take too much effort, and while you're sitting there with her lips wrapped around your cock, you're left wondering how you even got into this situation, and why you aren't just fapping in the comfort of your own solitude. eventually, you cum and she swallows it and you feel a deep disgust. nothing disgusted you about this abomination up to this point - if anything, it bored you - but your seed going down this whore's throat and into her stomach fills you with a visceral repulsion but you're glad, at least, that you were too lazy to fuck her.

on a related note, the girl at the gas station smiled at me today. not one of those service industry smiles, but a real one. the one where she looks at you and pauses for a split second then drops her head down and to the side ever so slightly, like she thinks it will hide her sudden feelings, but its too late and the corners of her lips have already curled up into that beautiful smile even if she doesn't realize it. she asked me if i wanted my receipt and i said no because i don't want my hormones getting disrupted. i think i might wait a week, go back, and when she asks me if i want the receipt, i'll say "only if it has your number on it." i probably won't though, because that would ruin the mystery.

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