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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.18653697 [View]
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Rousseau and Locke are far closer stylistically and methodologically to Hobbes than either Schmitt or Strauss, being that all three employ a state of nature argument and a social contract argument. Schmitt and strauss do neither. Perhaps you meant normatively.
And no one should be reading strauss until they have a comprehensive understanding of the classics. Struass is atypical in his interpretations and should not be the introduction to these thinkers; they should form their own judgements on the primary material first. I'm not sure where the sudden upsurge in interest in him or the factional politics of his followers has come from, but it's suddenness suggests it isn't endogenous. Some frogtwitter trend or discord push i imagine.

>> No.18086478 [View]
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>Asked about novelist David Foster Wallace, who took his own life in 2008, but who has a new book out, “The Pale King: An Unfinished Novel,” put together from manuscript chapters and files found in his computer, Bloom says, “You know, I don’t want to be offensive. But ‘Infinite Jest’ [regarded by many as Wallace’s masterpiece] is just awful. It seems ridiculous to have to say it. He can’t think, he can’t write. There’s no discernible talent.”
>It’s all a clear indication, Bloom notes, of the decline of literary standards. He was upset in 2003 when the National Book Award gave a special award to Stephen King. “But Stephen King is Cervantes compared with David Foster Wallace. We have no standards left. [Wallace] seems to have been a very sincere and troubled person, but that doesn’t mean I have to endure reading him. I even resented the use of the term from Shakespeare, when Hamlet calls the king’s jester Yorick, ‘a fellow of infinite jest.’

>> No.17897510 [View]
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>When, however, over the course of the 1980s a younger generation of professors aligned the humanities with identity politics (“No more Dead White Males!”), he couldn’t stand it. He called them the School of Resentment, a judgment derived from Nietzsche that attributed the values of the race-class-gender critics to the envy and anger of the mediocre when in the presence of greatness. They had replaced Emerson on the syllabus with a second-rate feminist novelist, he implied, because they couldn’t stand the fact of unequal talents in the world.

>By the time Bloom wrote “The Western Canon” in 1994, he was the leading voice for Western Civilization in America (the other Bloom, Allan, had died in 1992). The professors considered him a dinosaur, but they dare not face off with him in debate. His erudition would show, and so would their thin learning. Besides, Bloom didn’t waste time waging battle with his woke colleagues. Why bother? They never say anything interesting or original — Shakespeare and the Book of Job do all the time.

>Everyone knows what has happened to the humanities, but the biased politics of the professors often obscures a worse condition: They aren’t all that well-read. They’ve got the identity talk down pat, but ask them about Gulliver in Laputa or “Because I could not stop for Death” and they stumble like sophomores (unless those works happen to be in their narrow specialization). The professor who ranges smoothly across the English canon from Chaucer to Joyce is increasingly rare, the academic who lives it as deeply as Bloom did even more so.

Was/is Harold Bloom the best American Literary critic?

>> No.14731688 [View]
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>no trips of truth
off-by-one because Howard Bloom really is the best lit crit

>> No.14298421 [View]
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pleb M.D.

>> No.14270261 [View]
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every day we stray further from Bloom

>> No.14176202 [View]
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Bloom stated:
>celebrating bad writer's from Africa is not how one furthers unheard voices
>lousy critics are often variations of Foucault
>Hamlet is not a Freudian mofo
>it is not the case, that all books have the same value
He knew where things were going astray in 2000

>> No.13720840 [View]
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How does Bloom define the canon? Which theory can deduce which books should be read and in which order?

>> No.11339074 [View]
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>remember everything I read
>only read genre fiction

>> No.11167679 [View]
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any recommendations for chinkshit? I really liked warlock of the magus world and need something else that's free and has 1000 chapters. Yes i know i have shit taste.

>> No.10968502 [View]
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>I can’t bear these accounts I read in the Times and elsewhere of these poetry slams, in which various young men and women in various late-spots are declaiming rant and nonsense at each other. The whole thing is judged by an applause meter which is actually not there, but might as well be. This isn’t even silly; it is the death of art.

>> No.10382743 [View]
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what famous kike could he have played in his prime?

>> No.10380992 [View]
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The giveaway for me is that he unironically calls himself an intellectual.

>> No.10297458 [View]
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>> No.9261734 [View]
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>They will never know the harsh reality
And because of this we robots are the real winners. These people will never know themselves. Who is more fulfilled? The invulnerable 8 year old rampaging through Grand Theft Auto with every cheat in the game active at once or the grizzled neckbeard who finally beats Devil May Cry on Dante Must Die?

>> No.9192824 [View]
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can you give me recommendations on philosophical works to read based on my likes/dislikes please

>> No.8845150 [View]
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>Ovid's biography
>It starts with an in-depth description of the wonders of childbirth

>> No.8787402 [View]
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What books are you plebs reading?

>> No.8632688 [View]
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Will he be remembered?

>> No.8549406 [View]
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>uses the word 'pleb' in conversation

>> No.8506180 [View]
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>> No.8311989 [View]
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What books are you plebs reading?

>> No.8279747 [View]
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>My friends play a game on first dates now where it's ask anyone to name three good literary books they've read by anyone.

>It never goes well.

>> No.7932403 [View]
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>2x harry potter

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