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>> No.23313378 [View]
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>> No.23287707 [View]
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Since this got shilled on /x/ i will shill on here too
Go to >>37640764 if you want to talk about more Christian Esotericism
Microcosm Macrocosm theory isn't Hermetic, it's nearly universal and existed in Christianity around the same time if not before Hermetism influenced it
Tomberg, after leaving Anthroposophy considered himself a Christian Esotericist, but his thought is closely tied to the Sophiology of the Russian Orthodox Church, so he can be considered a Catholic Sophiologist which is/was a small movement in the late 20th and early 21st Century
This current is an outgrowth of Naturphilosophie and Illuminism, putting Tomberg in the theosophical tradition of Christianity, Jakob Böhme being its chief representative
This Tradition of Christianity can in one sense be described as 'Vishishtadvaita', Qualified Non-Dualism (of course not exactly like the Hindu doctrines), as in it the creation account of Genesis is interpretated as God emanating the world out of himself, but it at the same time being totally distinct from him
I can go on but that would be barely related to the thread topic
Don't struggle with it, it's supposed to be effortless
I recommend you learn to practice Lectio Divina, as for reading material you can use Meditations on the Tarot, and slowly progress through it that way, with time your mind will be much more refined
Hugh of Saint Victor likens the mind to a piece of wet wood, it first has go dry to be able to be enflamed by God
The greatest thinkers tend to come from the Church
It's written for an audience made up of 'normal people' and Anthroposophers to bring them back to the faith, you can just dive right in
Antoine Faivre even calls it the best Introductory book on Christian theosophy
Augustine developed our understanding of Divine Illumination but which fell in popularity with the rise of Nominalism
Thoughts should be seen as a sixth sense, not just as a 'room' where you create things, the Will moves the Intellect which reflects and is transformed by the various Platonic Ideas, the Logoi (forgot the name Augustine uses but this is Maximus' name for them) which are located in God's Mind
That's why the more you think of the Logos the more your Intellect will be transformed into him, which is the basis for Mysticism
We today think of the Fall as being horizontal, set in time, but in the Pre-Modern world Genesis was seen as a Vertical story, telling the story of how Mankind fell from the divine into time and space
This story also happens inside of everyone of us, just as the story of Jesus Christ also has to occur inside of the believer
Sounds more like you were just very focused, but continue practicing
You have to read their sources and also try to think like them, our way of thinking is radically distinct from nearly everyone from before 1800
Please read what i wrote about Divine Illumination above

>> No.23247187 [View]
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>> No.23199173 [View]
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There is a general for this topic on /x/, this chart comes from there. The suggestions itt are still mostly good though.

>> No.22355996 [View]
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Christian Esoterism, from one of the earlier versions of the /x/ Christian Esoterism General.

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