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>> No.22921545 [View]
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When an event causes a financial meltdown and hyperinflation hits the West. Financial system collapses.


Weather conditions utterly destroy the ability for mass produced foodstuffs globally, grain dies in the field and animals die. Industrial farming collapses.

Not sure which of these is more likely.

>The latent amerophilia that schizophrenically co-exists with visceral hatred of the U.S. around here.
So it is following in the Western world-view.

>Protestantism mostly coming from the american branches (Evagelicalism, Pentecostalism) is a growing religion among the poor of Latin America. By 2040, they'll be the majority in Brazil, for example
I'm struggling to work out why you think it is not a Moonlight Culture, one that adopts and grows out as a lesser version of another greater Culture. Like Japan is to China.

Not the reason, but their group behavior has certainly hastened it. In Imperium they are named as Culture Distortorers as they still embody the Jewish (Magian) World-view which they have preserved within their community and which prevents them from assimilating, which in turn caused them to persecuted, which in turn led to growing resentment and the wish to inflict harm upon the West.

The West is not the dominant super power in the world, we are now witnessing a multi-polarity world. Which was the goal for many nations outside the West, which is a direct weakening of America as the only super power. Further, despite the ability to project force, it would appear America has systemic problems which prevent it actually utilizing that force, not least of which is a disgruntled population.

Because all lives are equal in the Faustian man's eyes. There is no wish to preserve one life at the cost of another. Lifeboat politics has not yet been broached

>> No.20581256 [View]
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>I don't think he takes this 2000 year old, cobbled together code of behavior from bronze age tribal goat fuckers as literally as we do.

>> No.20447890 [View]
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I'm not pagan, I'm anti-Christian, please understand this I can not make it any clear. Your type always gets vitriolic when your immoral creed is questioned.

>Leif Erikson was christian you dumbfuck.
He converted during his adulthood, the traits and life that allowed a man to row across the Atlantic was his native religion and values. Not the Christian one.

>more like chad of religions which dominates
Turn the other cheek, meek shall inherit the earth, brothers in Christ not in blood, all equal before God. Even now we are weak and feeble without God, this is immoral and victim mentality. Slave morality.

>vikings were slavers you dishonest cuck.
Yes, yes they were. But this does not preclude people from being placed in slavery for breaking specific rules.

>yes. that's why their biggest conquests were under Christianity you illiterate mongrel.
No, the biggest conflicts were either side of Christianities heyday. During peak Christendom we went backwards and discarded knowledge we had painfully won through blood and toil.

>because secularism retarrd.
Christianity encourages the break down of all borders and all enjoin as one. Secularism promotes the family, blood, soil and heritage. Your religion says all of these do matter, all that matters is your reward for sacrificing all of these.

>yes when they were pagans and it's still not closer then island.
You're confusing yourself, friend. Where did these nordic sailors come from originally? The space between western Britain and Ireland is short.

Based on the sexual insults that you end every wrong summation with, I can only assume you are not in a position to have a healthy relationship to it. I hope you overcome this and find happiness away from the religion that made you miserable.

>> No.20136364 [View]
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>the whole perennialist movement is a huge waste of time

This man is your enemy. He wants you saddened, alone and vulnerable.

Read Storm of Steel and then read Pagan Imperialism. I've found he is easier to understand when listened to than read. Fascism Viewed From The Right too, as to how it differs from typical conservative revolution types, like the author of Storm of Steel.

>> No.20127016 [View]
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Duty, responsibility and commitment is masculine. Freedom is utterly meaningless and why so many young men suffer from mental crisis and lack of belonging. You may be personally uncomfortable with it, but the tight bonds of brotherhood is what makes you more than you are, or could ever be alone.

>> No.20025515 [View]
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He was good, great even. At his best, one of the best. But he is gateway tier, move on and find deeper, more complex thinkers.

>> No.19955526 [View]
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They store, hold and wait. They discourage you from placing their money in their vaults by charging negative interest under certain conditions. They maintain discreet rules for their practices and are fighting tooth and nail to remain off the globalized network of banks.

It is (((you))) who damage, exploit and manipulation finances to the detriment of the people. While the Swiss enjoy the safest, happiest and most comfortable living standards in the world.

Why is that? Because (((they))) have minimal authority and influence on their economy and money supply?

>> No.19899339 [View]
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They are early adopters of technology, they are both small, meek men. Only now Bezos is getting big after his girl left him and took half his stuff. Zuck is a literal child and will be the next one to lose half of his earnings. Both of them exhibit all the traits I put forth >>19899278

>> No.19811030 [View]
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>I'm disinclined to do so

>> No.19801836 [View]
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Because I enjoy life. I have good friends built on shared values, near-kin and heritage. I make a comfortable living that is allowing me provide for my family as we transition towards a more sustainable life. You must not have this.

>> No.19753241 [View]
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This appears to be true, but it does not address the fact there are no modern Fascist theorists, state-actors or anybody in the public sphere that people can look to for guidance or information. Why is this?

>> No.19589939 [View]
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>Be a Lefty and read
>Genre fiction for young adults
>Political theory that does not reach beyond what you're told to read
>Philosophical exploration seen only through the lens of pop culture
>Social critique that lays the blame for everything at your own feet
>Same five tropes repacked the exact same way every time with a different name

This is why you're depressed and lack the facilities needed to deal with an increasingly hostile world and it's occupants.

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