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>> No.11629236 [View]
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Guenon can help you acclimatize to studying these texts, Coomaraswamy too. As for the actual texts; Zhuangzi, Tao Te Ching, Adi Shankara's Prasthanatrayi commentaries, Ashtavakra Gita, Avadhuta Gita, Yoga Vasistha, Avataṃsaka Sutra, Lankavatara Sutra, Lotus Sutra, Guhyagarbha Tantra commentaries, Abinavagupta's Tantrasara/Tantraloka, Mahanirvana Tantra, The writings of Ibn Arabi, Sanai's Enclosed Garden of the Truth, Attar's Conference of the Birds, Rumi's Masnavi, Kabir's poetry, Enneads of Plotinus, Philo, Meister Eckhart, Jakob Böhme, Nisargadatta Maharaj and Ramakrishna.

>> No.11339116 [View]
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This is a very good 20-page introductory article to Vedanta written by Ananda Coomaraswamy which contains a lot of helpful parallels to western mysticism and thought like Plotinus, Eckhart etc. It doesn't explain the doctrines super in-depth but is the best intro to how to begin think about Vedanta in anything short of a whole book.


If you want to read some shorter primary Vedanta texts without having to read an intro book first or read thousands of pages of dense commentaries I'd heavily recommend the Ashtavakra Gita, in particular John Richard's translation which can be found for free online here. It's essentially a brilliant TLDR of Advaita Vedanta. You might not get everything at first but a lot of it is self-explanatory, especially if you are well-versed in mysticism and philosophy and are used to wrapping your mind around new ideas and concepts. You can read this right now or right after Coomaraswamy's article to see what he's talking about, it's only like a 1 to 3 hour read depending on much you think about each passage. This is my go-to recommendation for anyone interested in reading a primary Vedanta text itself (better than books about it)


In order to get a very solid understanding of Advaita Vedanta you would need to read most or all of Shankara's commentaries on the Prasthanatrayi (Principal Upanishads+Brahma Sutras+Bhagavad-Gita) which in English translation run over 3,000 pages (the commentaries contain the original texts themselves along with his commentary added after each individual passage). Those are full of Sanskrit terms which are left untranslated though and most of it will go over your head if you don't have the right background knowledge. If there is one book you should read before reading any of Shankara's writings I'd recommend Guenon's 'Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines' (online for free). It's a super useful intro to Hinduism, it explains how the Hindu's themselves view Hindu culture, the exact nature of and relationship between the Vedas, Vedanta, Orthodoxy, the caste system, the six Darshanas (schools of thought) etc and so on. I'd say that reading that is near essential for understanding the thicker Vedanta texts especially Shankara's because there is so much that is foreign to someone not raised in Hindu culture. Wikipedia does a terrible job of explaining most of this stuff and I know because I've looked at all the articles.

After the Prasthanatrayi commentaries there are dozens of other Vedanta texts like the Yoga Vasistha (very good), Advaita Bodha Deepika, Tripura Rahasya, Avadhuta Gita, Drg-Drysa-Viveka etc. Shankara also wrote short non-commentary works that are good like Atma Bodha and Upadesasahasri. Most of the general Hindu texts like the Puranas and Agamas are also heavily influenced by Vedanta.

>> No.11277917 [View]
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VASISTHA continued: Even as ornaments made of gold are only gold, I am the pure consciousness in the body. I am the self that pervades all things within and without. I am that consciousness which reflects all experiences without itself undergoing any change and which is untouched by impurity. I salute that consciousness which is the bestower of the fruits of all thoughts, the light that shines in all luminaries, the supreme gain; that consciousness pervades all the limbs, ever awake and alert, vibrates constantly in all substances and is ever homogeneous and undisturbed as if it were in deep sleep though wide awake. That consciousness is the reality that bestows the individual characteristic on each and every substance in the universe and though within all and so nearest to all, is far on account of its inaccessibility* to the mind and the senses. Continuous and homogeneous in waking, dreaming, deep sleep and in the fourth (transcendental) state of consciousness, it shines when all thoughts have ceased, when all excitements have ceased and when all hate has ceased. I salute that consciousness which is devoid of desire and egosense and cannot be divided into parts. I have attained that consciousness which is the indweller of all; and yet though all, is beyond diversity.

It is the cosmic net in which the infinite number of beings are caught like birds; in it all these worlds manifest, though in fact, nothing has ever happened. That consciousness is of the nature of being and nonbeing and the resting place of all that is good and divine. It plays the roles of all beings and it is the source of all affection and peace, though it is forever united and liberated. It is the life of all living beings, the uncreated nectar that cannot be stolen by anyone, the ever existent reality. That consciousness which is reflected in senseexperiences is yet devoid of them and cannot be experienced by them. In it all beings rejoice, though it itself is pure bliss beyond all joy; like the space but beyond space; glorious yet devoid of all expansions and glory. Though seemingly it does all, it does nothing. All this is All this is 'I' and all this is mine. But I am not and I am not 'other than I'. I have realised this. Let this world be an illusion or substantial. I am free from the fever of distress.

>> No.11124871 [View]
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>> No.11113913 [View]
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>making a traditionalist thread without posting the advaita copypasta so people can read the primary texts of one of the most purest expositions of traditional metaphysics for themselves

Adi Shankara's Prasthanatrayi commentaries (his most important works)

>Commentary on 8 of the Muhkya Upanishads part 1
>Commentary on 8 of the Muhkya Upanishads part 2
>Brahma Sutra Bhasya (commentary) of Shankaracharya
>The Bhagavad-Gita with commentary of Shankaracharya

Adi Shankaras non-commentary Prakarana Granthas (philosophical treatises)

>Atma Bodha (Self-knowledge)
>Upadesasahasri (A Thousand Teachings)
>Aparokshanubhuti (Direct experience)
>Vivekachudamani (Crest Jewel of Discrimination)

Non-Adi Shankara Advaita texts

>Voga Vasistha
>The Ashtavakra Gita
>The Ribhu Gita
>Avadhuta Gita
>Advaita Bodha Deepika (The lamp of non-deal knowledge)
>Drg-Drsya-Viveka (An inquiry into the Nature of the 'Seer' and the 'Seen')
>The Tripura Rahasya (Mystery Beyond the Trinity)

Ashtavakra Gita for the TLDR, Adi Shankara's commentaries + Yoga Vasistha can be considered core texts, Shankara's non-commentary works and the other non-Shankara texts complement the core ones

>> No.11100285 [View]
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>There's a lot of Hindu temples that would not let you in if you're a white giy because they assume you have no caste hence untouchable. From what I've heard.

It's a mistake to assume that being outside the caste system is the same as untouchable. Nevertheless it doesn't surprise me that some temples would not want people inside them who appear to have no caste and presumably are not Hindu but that's actually totally irrelevant to anything. Not being allowed in some temples is not in the least a problem. Not being able to enter certain temples has no bearing at all upon realization of the supreme truth; which is a path that individuals must pursue on their own outside of any contingencies such as visiting certain locations.

Caste is useful insofar as it is Dharma applied to social organization and society but caste no longer becomes relevant to one who has recognized and understood the supreme truth. Brahmin and Dalit alike are permeated by the same Atman, which is in all of them and everywhere the same; being the only real aspect of anything. It's explicitly with this in mind that Shankara declares in Upadesasahasri that it's wrong to treat another poorly because of their caste. For someone who has tread the path of knowledge or who is currently on it; how they would be treated by Indians is totally irrelevant, Indians who would not treat a western well for being outside the caste system are doing so in accordance with contingent views and attitudes which are nil in relation to the truth; so it shouldn't bother you in the least. One should understand that people are just following a relative viewpoint and then move on without caring at all.

>> No.11076602 [View]
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Adi Shankara's Prasthanatrayi commentaries (his most important works)

>Commentary on 8 of the Muhkya Upanishads part 1

>Commentary on 8 of the Muhkya Upanishads part 2

>Brahma Sutra Bhasya (commentary) of Shankaracharya

>The Bhagavad-Gita with commentary of Shankaracharya

Adi Shankaras non-commentary Prakarana Granthas (philosophical treatises)

>Atma Bodha (Self-knowledge)

>Upadesasahasri (A Thousand Teachings)

>Aparokshanubhuti (Direct experience)

>Vivekachudamani (Crest Jewel of Discrimination)

Non-Adi Shankara Advaita texts

>Voga Vasistha

>The Ashtavakra Gita

>The Ribhu Gita

>Avadhuta Gita

>Advaita Bodha Deepika (The lamp of non-deal knowledge)

>Drg-Drsya-Viveka (An inquiry into the Nature of the 'Seer' and the 'Seen')

>The Tripura Rahasya (Mystery Beyond the Trinity)

Ashtavakra Gita for the TLDR, Adi Shankara's commentaries + Yoga Vasistha can be considered core texts, Shankara's non-commentary works and the other non-Shankara texts complement the core ones

>> No.10999117 [View]
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I would highly recommend anyone interested in the Traditionalist school or Advaita Vedanta to read the Ashtavakra Gita


>> No.10979860 [View]
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>> No.8167952 [View]
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Water droplets. If you don't care about the units (or care too much), you can't see the Big Picture.

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