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>> No.17840146 [View]
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>> No.17220836 [View]
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>One cannot refute Christianity; one cannot refute a disease of the eye.

>> No.15770777 [View]
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mon negre right here

>> No.15577496 [View]
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There are other jobs and ways to make money or leave an inheritance. If they can't access or figure any of them out, then they should learn their place in society, which is currently to be at the bottom.

Your whole argument is a piece of juvenile moralism and here's why:

1. The inheritance "problem" that you're talking about goes back many thousands of years, when the tribe that moved to the right place at the right time made certain "discoveries" like fire and agriculture first, and then, because of this, left an inheritance to future generations which enabled them to far surpass other tribes due to their superior means. From this, civilization grew, and everyone outside of it became known as barbarians. Do you think that tribe was at all concerned with your faggot "fairness" horseshit when they "discovered" these things first simply due to being at the right place at the right time? Do you think they just shared their resources with the other tribes on account of this? Perhaps the very first tribe did, and you can guess what happened next... they were FUCKING MURDERED, because back then, there was no slave morality, and it was thoroughly understood, due to everyone living out in the elements, that nature did not give a flying fuck about your feelings.

2. Two words: natural selection, which has more cases of species surviving simply for being in the right place at the right time than other types of cases. This is how the animal kingdom, and all life, simply works. There is no such thing as your "fairness" fantasy in it: if a group stumbles across something first which ensures their survival and triumph over other groups, that group would be FUCKING STUPID not to take it for themselves. All's fair in love and war. You'd do it too if you found it first, and you didn't, and you're whining now precisely because that desire in you to dominate others is still there.

>> No.14645448 [View]
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This. Fuck Anglos.

>> No.14245752 [View]
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they wouldn't last long, affirming those values
but what if bodies so retarded might could be intentionally propagated by the state, by certain factions?

>> No.12640626 [View]
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Being a far leftist is pretty contradictory to being a Nietzschean, if that's what you are. But so is identifying with these left / right labels at all, both of which on their extreme sides eventually become anti-life. Both far leftism and far rightism end in solipsism.

A proper Nietzschean will harness whatever energy needs to be harnessed in any given moment in order to continue fighting, absorbing, and growing, and recognizes the importance of both the individual self and the surrounding world, and how both construct life. A perpetual state of limbo is where the true Nietzschean exists, for that is how one is life-affirming in all circumstances, even (and ESPECIALLY) towards self-destruction, because self-destruction is part of self-creation. For, according to Nietzsche,

>To impose upon becoming the character of being—that is the supreme will to power. Twofold falsification, on the part of the senses and of the spirit, to preserve a world of that which is, which abides, which is equivalent, etc.


>All idealism is mendacity in the face of what is necessary

The link between these two quotes? Both becoming and being are idealism, but to really master them both, one must apply both simultaneously, thus suppressing both, and preserving the world that is — the world which cannot be spoken of.

Thanks for reading this piece of my insanity.

>> No.12079340 [View]
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If evil is wrong, why does it feel so right?

>> No.12065893 [View]
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>In my “Genealogy of Morals” I give the first psychological explanation of the concepts underlying those two antithetical things, a noble morality and a ressentiment morality, the second of which is a mere product of the denial of the former. The Judaeo-Christian moral system belongs to the second division, and in every detail. In order to be able to say Nay to everything representing an ascending evolution of life—that is, to well-being, to power, to beauty, to self-approval—the instincts of ressentiment, here become downright genius, had to invent an other world in which the acceptance of life appeared as the most evil and abominable thing imaginable. Psychologically, the Jews are a people gifted with the very strongest vitality, so much so that when they found themselves facing impossible conditions of life they chose voluntarily, and with a profound talent for self-preservation, the side of all those instincts which make for décadence—not as if mastered by them, but as if detecting in them a power by which “the world” could be defied. The Jews are the very opposite of décadents: they have simply been forced into appearing in that guise, and with a degree of skill approaching the non plus ultra of histrionic genius they have managed to put themselves at the head of all décadent movements (—for example, the Christianity of Paul—), and so make of them something stronger than any party frankly saying Yes to life. To the sort of men who reach out for power under Judaism and Christianity,—that is to say, to the priestly class—décadence is no more than a means to an end. Men of this sort have a vital interest in making mankind sick, and in confusing the values of “good” and “bad,” “true” and “false” in a manner that is not only dangerous to life, but also slanders it.

Holy shit. How will Christians recover?

>> No.11861311 [View]
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Who cares about some apostle of virginity?

>> No.11350184 [View]
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>Philosophical workers are not true philosophers. True philosophers' education may involve their going through the stages at which the former remain, and they may need to have been many things, including critic, sceptic, puzzle-solver and moralist. But these are mere preconditions for their task, which is to create values. The job of the philosophical workers, in the mould of Kant and Hegel, is to describe, clearly and intelligibly, the logical, political and aesthetic value judgments of the past. But true philosophers are commanders and lawgivers, who, using the philosophical workers' preparatory labours, reach towards the future, to lay down the way it should be. Their will to truth is the will to power.

Kantians and Hegelians on suicide watch.

>> No.10299108 [View]
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Anyone have a reading order chart like this for sadboi Nietzsche?

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