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>According to Shah, a telepathic, extraphysical, or spiritual ***influence*** of the teacher on the student,
Important revision


>People have tried to cultivate this capacity for purposes of personal ambition and, since this is indeed partially possible, its methodology is carefully protected.

>Such works as Ibn Arabi’s Durrat al-Fakhira, “Precious Pearl,” give numerous instances both of this mechanism and of how it tends to be independent of what people customarily regard as systematic operation. It can, for example, arise unbidden. It works in people whom one would not immediately suspect of possessing it — because of our usual assumptions of any such capacity. It may not operate at all. Sometimes it is willed, sometimes not. Traditionally, it can also work for what seem to be trivial purposes, as has been noted with similar extrasensory activity in more recent Western studies. These facts can make it all the more interesting, since such characteristics are not in accord with the usual folkloric beliefs about such matters and tend to lack inherent relationships with occultism, more directly resembling more modern communications phenomena, though in a very refined form.

I am tremendously happy to be of help.

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