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>> No.12661823 [View]
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>Moldbug's biggest problem is that there is an assumption that humans are rational actors.
i think living in San Francisco has contributed to this, as much as JBP became who he was by being airhorned and slandered one too many times. in both cases it seems to me that they would assume that humans are capable of rational action (and ought to at least *try* to act rationally) but left to their own devices tend to naturally gravitate towards irrationality, which is obviously the case. it's the same with Land also.

>We know people today do things not for profit but for propaganda, revenge, agenda pushing, etc. There's a 2000 year old blood libel against the West that isn't about profit at all.
this. those things motivate us. Enthusiasm is a very old thing, it goes back to the Greeks. the Hindus too. we've had centuries of intermittent and brutal religious warfare over Protestantism, the French Revolution, modern ideologies, all of it. those things don't have natural built-in off-switches. the corrections tend to come in the form of war. the very fact that humanity survived the Cold War at all is kind of incredible.

>We won't be able to have ANY sound govt system while there are still jews running rampant.
i've talked with other anons who feel this way and my position on this never really changes, it's never Jews or JQ stuff for me. this appears to be a dealbreaker for some but for me it's a complete no-brainer. the real thing is that far more nebulous thing called Human Nature. for me the great existentialists that i am sworn to unto death are great precisely because the question of race in this way just never comes up. Heidegger is for everyone. Lacan is for everyone. Girard is for everyone. Hegel is for everyone. Deleuze is for everyone. Confucius is for everyone. the Tao is for everyone. Capital is for everyone, and so is tech. and so on. i don't have those feels about the Jews, or any other group, because it is identity itself that is ultimately the stumbling block: who we are, what we want, how we think, all the rest.

everyone can be improved, cultivated, refined, and a small coterie of master locksmiths can release a great many skeletons from a great many closets. i'm skeptical about the human race but very confident in philosophy. Girard has the high ground for me, always.

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