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>> No.11996820 [View]
File: 236 KB, 780x1170, poster-780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here's a better poster also.

look at what has happened all over the world today in terms of politics. you have fuckhead soft communism on the political left, fuckhead soft fascism on the right, fuckhead Social Credit Confucianism in china, and general fuckery everywhere else. all of these ultimately have to become quasi-religious experiments in thought control to ultimately account for the fundamentally disequilibrial/hyperstitial nature of capital itself, which is both technological and psychological. in brief, it amounts to building weather control devices so that planes of immanence can be reduced down to the level of *rational calculating profit.* i don't feel the need to go on too much of a rant about this here, because it's all in Yuga.

but i did want to meme Yojimbo a little more for Cosmotech Movie Night (which is still a thing in progress). as Yojimbo says,

>I'll get paid for killing, and this town is full of people who deserve to die.

now i don't, of course, advocate actual violence. i can't, i'm girardfag. unfortunately being girardfag means i can't actually argue for solving problems with violence, which is like a handicap setting on a lot of philosophy i might otherwise be attracted to. Violence and the Sacred are basically the twin phenomena par excellence at the root of modern political theology, and the only thing to do with it is in the end to turn it down. sad, i know. so again, in my Taoist hermit kingdom (or Confucian Celestial Bureaucracy) we would probably have duelling, and certainly something like an annual equivalent of the Royal Rumble - there's no end of exciting things about professional wrestling, as a cure for social issues - but ultimately we cannot go in for either the War or the Purge, the internal jihad or the external one.

Yojimbo was a dope film tho. i don't want to give it any spoilers, but i'm putting this out there, because i have absolutely no life. anyways another thing i was thinking is

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