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>> No.20537165 [View]
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>Whoever supports Bolshevism—get it right in your head, my dear proletariat!—it is not through the strength of the Russian people this regime survives, against which anarchists and social revolutionaries have repeatedly risen again, with attempts mercilessly suffocated in blood; who supports Bolshevism is not the famous 'red army' that exists on Trotsky's papers, not in reality. The newspaper Humanitè of May 30, bears the testimony of Mr. Paolo Birukov, who, speaking of the Red Army; in this and significant way expressed:

"The Russian people are peaceful, they hate the war today, like yesterday, as always and put up a fierce resistance against conscription."

>Other than the enthusiastic response to the mobilization orders, according to the "barkers" of the proletarian skulls of Italy. Mr. Birukov says something even more interesting.

"There are as many deserters in the Red Army as there were in the Army of the Czar . It happens that a regiment does not arrive at the designated stage because all the men have strayed along the way(...)"

>> No.20515883 [View]
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>And is it this army of stragglers that stops Mannerheim and Kolkhak? Never again. If Petrograd (St. Petersburg) does not fall, if Denikin marks time, it is because the great Jewish bankers of London and New York so desire, linked up as they are by racial ties with the Jews who, in Moscow as in Budapest are taking revenge on the Aryan race which has condemned them to dispersion for so many centuries. In Russia 80% of the Soviet leaders are Jews. In Budapest 17 out of the 22 people's commissars are Jews. Might it not be that Bolshevism is the vendetta of Jewry against Christianity? It is a subject certainly worth pondering. It is entirely possible that Bolshevism will drown in the blood of a pogrom of catastrophic proportions. World finance is in the hands of the Jews. Whoever possesses the nations banks controls their politics. Behind the puppets of Paris stand the Rothschilds, the Warburgs, the Schiffs, the Guggenheims, who are of the same blood as the masters of St. Petersburg and Budapest. Race does not betray race. Bolshevism is defended by international plutocracy. That is the essential truth. International plutocracy, dominated and controlled by the Jews, has a supreme interest in hastening all of Russian life through its process of molecular disintegration to the point of paroxysm. A paralyzed Russia, disorganized and hungry, will tomorrow be the place where the bourgeoisie—yes the bourgeoisie, my dear proletarians—will celebrate its spectacular abundance. The kings of gold believe that Bolshevism must live now, to better prepare the ground for the new business of capitalism. American capitalism has already obtained a great "concession" in Russia. But there are still mines, springs, lands, workshops, which are waiting to be exploited by international capitalism. This fatal stage in human history is not skipped, especially in Russia. It is useless, absolutely useless, for the advanced and even conscious proletarians to warm their heads to defend the Russia of the Soviets. The fate of Leninism does not depend on the proletariat of Russia or of France, much less that of Italy. Leninism will live for as long as the kings of finance so desire; it will die when the same kings of finance decide to kill it. The anti-Bolshevik armies, which from time to time are affected by a mysterious paralysis, will become simply overwhelming at a given time which will be chosen by the kings of finance. The Jews of the Soviets precede the Jews of the banks. The fate of St. Petersburg is not determined on the icy steppes of Finland, but in the banks of London, New York and Tokyo.

>To state that the international bourgeoisie now wants to destroy the Soviet Regime is to state a gross lie. If, tomorrow, the plutocratic bourgeoisie decides to destroy it, they will have no difficulty whatsoever because their "accomplices", the Leninists, already sit and work for them in the Kremlin.

—The Accomplices
Published in Il Popolo d'ltalia, June 4, 1919

>> No.20515870 [DELETED]  [View]
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Whoever supports Bolshevism—get it right in your head, my dear proletariat!—it is not through the strength of the Russian people this regime survives, against which anarchists and social revolutionaries have repeatedly risen again, with attempts mercilessly suffocated in blood; who supports Bolshevism is not the famous 'red army' that exists on Trotsky's papers, not in reality. The newspaper Humanitè of May 30, bears the testimony of Mr. Paolo Birukov, who, speaking of the Red Army; in this and significant way expressed:

"The Russian people are peaceful, they hate the war today, like yesterday, as always and put up a fierce resistance against conscription."

Other than the enthusiastic response to the mobilization orders, according to the "barkers" of the proletarian skulls of Italy. Mr. Birukov says something even more interesting.

"There are as many deserters in the Red Army as there were in the Army of the Czar . It happens that a regiment does not arrive at the designated stage because all the men have strayed along the way(...)"

>> No.20513104 [View]
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I would start with the works of Karl Marx, specifically the Eighteenth Brumaire of Louise Bonaparte as that is where the mode and method of Marx really comes out. You can find selected works here:
And after that I would search for bibliographies and more works until you're more comfortable with finding your own stuff to read.

It was claimed by A. James Gregor, who was a follower of the works of Renzo de Felice that Marx was the most influential thinker to the Young Mussolini. However in Margherita Sarfatti's journals during Mussolini's time in the before his time in the PSI it was the Utopian Socialists such as Blanqui and Fourier who had greater influence on him.

According to Mussolini himself it was Sorel, philosopher of syndicalism and 'myth' who had the most profound influence on him. He was supported syndicalism very early on and read many if not all of Sorel's works. Two books, which are a collection of his essays can be found in English. Reflections on Violence and Illusions of Progress.


>Fascism as a consequence of its Marxian and Sorelian patrimony . . . conjoined with the influence of contemporary Italian idealism, through which Fascist thought attained maturity, conceives philosophy as praxis.

>Wrong, Fascism is a dialectical philosophy.
You are confusing Fascism with Gentile's Actualism, I am not too well versed on the latter's reform of the Hegelian dialectic but there is this 1912 essay on the subject that I've been meaning to read. Gentile critizes philosophy or 'intellectualism' as he calls it in a similar way that Marx does.
>“(...) intellectualism divocers thought from action, science from life, the brain from the heart, and theory from practice. It is the posture of the talker and the skeptic, of the person who entrenches himself behind the maxim that it is one thing to say something and another thing to do it; it is the utopian who is the fabricator of systems that will never face concrete reality; it is the talk of the poet, the scientist, the philosopher, who confine themselves to fantasy and to speculation and are ill-disposed to look around themselves and see the earth on which they tread and on which are to be found those fundamental human interests that feed their very fantasy and intelligence.
Gentile, in his own words called Fascism the philosophy of 'praxis'— and makes distinction between 'pensato, pensate' which can be best translated as thought and thinking.

I am only familiar with the practical application of Fascism and the theoretical implications of Gentile precedes me, however I do know that in 'Fascism' governing 'pragmatically' and 'unideologically' was the material reality of Fascism as noted by both observers and followers, as well as Historians such as Renzo de Felice.

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