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>> No.11991159 [View]
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>do you enjoy playing the villain, or do you see yourself as a hero? A mix of both, perhaps?

in a philosophical sense, the best possible answer to this would be that i am a man in therapy. an error has occurred in this device. i have basically been given a Blue Screen of Death at some point and i don't know why. my OS is fucked up and out of whack. i don't know if it's the hardware or the software, or if it's a computer virus. i don't know fucking anything about computers. things were just working fine and then at some point they weren't.

basically it's because i don't know what the truth is anymore, and it's fucking me up. and i hear a lot of people talking as if they do know, and upon closer investigation, i find that they do not. and yet there is *something* in them (read: me, but not always only me) that makes them talk and talk and talk and write and talk and shitpost and so on. this is where i am absolutely a believer in the Hegel-Lacan connection, but the key phrase for this is Heidegger's: the metaphysics of production. we are driven by hysteria, by inner sphinxes within asking questions for which every answer is wrong, and in which the punishment is death. the Sphinx is maximum cynic, but the Sphinx is also a crucial connection between the world of legend and myth and the world of reason, and the link between these is *language.*

we do have some love for sphinxes in Cosmotech. mecha-sphinxes for sure. M:TG sphinxes. all kinds of sphinxes. Willis Goth Regier's book on the sphinx basically tells you one thing: the sphinx is the ultimate symbol, which stands for just about everything. and as such, it stands for nothiing. it is an absolute riddle and a perfect enigma. and ultimately, i think the way to deal with sphinxes is to give them what they want: that is, a little fun game to play, a little seduction, maybe a good question in return, and that's all.

you don't play *chess* with a sphinx, you play chess with Death. sphinx-games are a whole other kind of thing.

and i will also say this: politics is a stupid fucking game, precisely because it can only be played for maximal stakes. better said is Carse's take:

>he who *must* play, cannot *play.*

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