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>> No.12004147 [View]
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>Also, in general, how do you place psychedelics in all of this? Do you think those are somehow relevant experience or just the mind playing with itself? Junger and some other intellectuals seemed to believe there was space for research there, and since they are reopening research just now after years of prohibitionism, there may be some new development there as well as new data start to emerge - there is a lot of recent research on how these drugs can help with addiction, PTSD, depression and other problems that seem to me directly related with being part of a social structure that is somehow growing independent from us.

there is, in short, an absolute requirement to look into the question of what a Eudaimonic society really means. Love was put on the operating table by no small number of French analysts in the 20C, mostly to attempt to extract its alchemical essence, v/Desire. such is Lacan's contribution. he wound up with Kant and Sade and Foucault translates a lot of this also into the world of neoliberalism: Power/Knowledge. again, along the way, not only Marx went missing, but Hegel too. and even Uncle Gilles and Uncle Felix play their part in this too, they prefer Spinoza and Nietzsche to Hegel/Marx/Freud. all of this is known, and all of this produces Land.

however, we find ourselves consequently inhabiting a profoundly up-fucked world as a result. nobody is going to deny the power of science. *happiness* can always be reduced to chemical process, and Love, well, of course, we're all too jaded for that today. but it's fucking killing us, and it's turning everything into hyper-ironic and bloodthirsty meme politics as a result. militant ironic atheism isn't working, whether it comes from the Red or Blue teams, both of which provide their own forms of spirituality also. but Cosmotech looks at all of these with a profound skepticism, for reasons which have been discussed at length in these threads. it is both the people who are missing and the Spirit, in the Hegelian sense and yet in other senses as well. it is true that perhaps Desire is what lies at the root of all things, and yet Desire is not Love, and it is not Happiness. and it may not be the True, the Good, or the Beautiful either. i regard the current state of meme-meltdown as being very much one of hysterics trying to convince each other that they can live without these things, and failing, ever more catastrophically. they are propped up in this failure by the availability of scapegoats, but this is all a recipe for burnout and for destruction, in the long run.

even as Han writes, there is absolutely no reason why we shouldn't be suffering today from burnout, hanger, withdrawal, and much else. why not? the late 20C was a great age of intoxicants, political and chemical. we suffer from anti-immune deficiency. everything was Viral in the 90s and 2000s - why shouldn't we imagine that this wouldn't have side effects?

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