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>> No.16443982 [View]
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There is a truth and objective reality. And essentially this truth is God itself.

I think I do believe in God even though I have my doubts sometimes. I'm also partially open to believing in lower deities such as the Greek Gods and nature spirits since they're fun and also in the imagination animates the world and gives it life, unlike in some Christian thought where the world is seen as dead matter for humans to shape.. Though there is still the singular Christian God

As far as society and human nature goes I believe
1. It should be shaped according to human nature and not trying to shape it. Not to say it can't have some sort of morality or attempt at improving the society, but any attempt at utopia is ultimately retardation and self-destructive.
2. The ultimate goals of it are to create a slightly better life for the children of the inhabitants, not the broader humanity but simply the children of the original inhabitants. The other goal is to create and environment aimed not at maximizing happiness for its citizens, but at the fulfillment of their life. Essentially the state should be based around encouraging what Schopenhauer calls the 'will to life' for its citizens. Creating them a life that they'll be contented with when they're on their death bed
3. We don't need electronics and modern appliances as much as we think we do, and we would all probably be happier if we were living on family farms ingratiated with nature.
4. I am utterly against modern factory farming, I think its practices are vile and evil.
5. Race is real. Identity is also an essential part of our being. People say "One race the human race" are retards. Its not just that we need an in-group and an out-group, we have no choice in the matter. There's a saying that goes something like "you can cut off the left side of a block but there will still be a left side". All of humanity is simply too large and if anything will leave you with no group identity which is the path to atomized individualism and nihilism and depression. We need a group to be part of, ethno-religious groups are simply the best evolutionary groups humans developed for our fulfillment. They are essential to living a good life.
6. Religion and spirituality are essential to people living a fulfilling life.
7. People that are ideological about economic systems are retards. Just do what allows local communities and families to thrive. This will not be the same everywhere.
8. Provide easy paths for young people to become part of their community and society. Almost all would help if they could making them beg for shitty office jobs that don't even provide much productivity is retarded. The way the current job market works is retarded. Get rid of HR. Also no more foreign workers.
9. Mythology, heroism, and overall violence is underrated.
10. Traditional gender roles are unarguably better for creating a healthier and happier society.
11. Bearing children and marriage is essential to living a good life.

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