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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.17772504 [View]
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>> No.17723521 [View]
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You always act as if every idle moment is "wasted time". If a life was complete productive it would be hell and suicide inducing. Your posts are always so full of arrogance that it's no surprise that something as simple as a video game can leave you empty. You think too highly of your time and to highly of your judgment of time well spent.

>> No.17679003 [View]
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I wonder how many hours of my life I have wasted on these pityparty threads. If you enjoy reading keep doing it. By reading more and more your ability to understand will improve. Just read what you enjoy. There are also commentaries on books that can make the more obtuse clearer and can give you an idea what to look out for in the future

>> No.16879412 [View]
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Honestly, with how /lit/ ripped into him, I'd be pretty damn humble too—or I'd seethe myself out of existence with denial. Waldun's ESL swill was crap; he was a pretentious wannabe who made videos about being a polymath and thought himself a literary prodigy. But I don't want him to give up. I hope the experience has humbled him and he'll improve. I think it would be a nice thing if in 10 years or so he does write something worth reading. Having an audience is a double-edged sword: most of us don't have thousands of people reading our crappy attempts at writing, where we can either be humble by the waves of criticism and malice or allow ourselves to become big headed and burying ourselves in poorly founded praise. If he's been reading these threads, I'm sure it's been rough for him. I had such an ego when I was younger and it was crushed relentless so I know how painful it can be. Watching this video makes me happy for him and I do wish him the best. I hope he doesn't immediately regress after he calms down—because he's very clearly still a little upset

>> No.16825014 [View]
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pagan filth
strive for honor and cleanliness
above the squalor of menslaw
and to the peaks of Godslaw
also i really fucking hate coleslaw
weird shit happens if you forget a space? HAW!
really streched for that last rhyme
welcome to my blog ig

>> No.16571804 [View]
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Literally stopped reading your garbage there. Eat poison you blogposting niggeroni

>> No.16566559 [View]
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This place is just /r9k/ for the supercilious

>> No.16528561 [View]
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>How does /lit/ feel about blogging?
Check the catalogue

>> No.16519478 [View]
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>> No.16209862 [View]
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>> No.16195728 [View]
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I think you're looking for books on being a halfwit.

>> No.16170280 [View]
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>it's another thread where someone tells us a stupid story and tells us they don't read but wants a book
Go back to /r9k/ or twitter or wherever you sate such an insatiable vanity

>> No.16123879 [View]
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I don't get your obsession with coding. Your belief that this is somehow your in at independent production and time-well-spent is still pretty arrogant. Do you think being able to code means that you'll make a game worth playing? That you'll get more upward job mobility? If it's just a choice of hobby with no real end than why do you lament spending your time on other hobbies? You're problem is that you like to revel in your ineptitude and sadness so much so that you cloud any chance of happiness with your embitterment. You're always thinking about what IS time well spent rather than spending your time deliberately in manner that is fulfilling; swapping playing video games to coding videogames is going to change anything since you'd just complain about how pointless and time wasting coding is. There's no harm in enjoying frivolous activities but it's your arrogance that prevents you from seeing that -- you believe that there is an objective way to spend time and live life not considering that you are wrong and that such a judgement hinders you emotionally. Also of course you're a redditfag. Disappointing.

>> No.16105694 [View]
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As long as you spend your time consciously it doesn't really matter what your choose to do. Cooming is just as valid as working out as long as the choise is deliberate

>> No.16096313 [View]
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>> No.16083057 [View]
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I often sense an underlying arrogance in LF's lamentations of inferiority. That he can grasp what is time well spent but by his own inferiority not practice what he preaches. Sure, coding a game is more cerebral and demanding and, in ways, more impressive but in the end both -- at the pedestrian level -- are staring at a screen and pushing keys for a few hours until you're sated; "Other people write books in their spare times, losers like me read them," would be a of wording the same allegory. As long as your time is spent consciously and deliberately, the time is spent conscientiously. I don't recall LF having any coding related ambitions (although he is known to jerk off more exact sciences and fields) so I think his complaint about how frivolously he spends his time in that regard stupid. Although I think what I and many of us like about LF's stories is that is about mediocrity in not just action but character: a lot of LF's insights are shallow and middling but it only adds to tragedy of him. Godspeed London Frog, try to remember that any moment can be enjoyed for its simplicity as much as it can be hated for its lack of complexity.

>> No.16079033 [View]
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>using discord and twitter
>pepe with that filename
I can't believe I have to share a board with you niggers

>> No.16059833 [View]
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>wake up
>go back to sleep
>look forward to getting tired enough to sleep again

>> No.16054194 [View]
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Kill yourself you attention carving tranny. We already have one of those and frankly she(male) is already too much.

>> No.16053001 [View]
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If you really wanted to stop your (You) addiction you wouldn't have made this thread: this lack of mental fortitude guarantees you'll return if you ever even leave at all. Fucking twitter nigger

>> No.16024806 [View]
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>> No.16013781 [View]
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>> No.16005033 [View]
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>I unironically came to the conclusion that I was smarter than him lol. So it gave me hope that I can be promoted to that level.
This may be you downfall. Mangers and senior employees, at least in theory, can sniff when they're internally undermined by a subordinate and unless you're needed higher up or some sort of rising star, they'll sense your hubris and deny your ambition. Climbing middle management is about embodying humility and the sanctity of a hierarchical structure; once you believe you're more deserving of a position an arrogance will grip you and stain your character.

>> No.16000475 [View]
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Most people spend their 20s on outings and even more frivolous engagements. As long as you enjoyed reading what does it matter? The same for any bullshit passtime

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