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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.14235697 [View]
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there arent many thinkers who have made me eager to wake up and get to reading again:
have you ever had that feel?

>> No.10278318 [View]
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That's so cute and nice and I want to die.

>> No.10167141 [View]
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thanks to you both

>> No.9864853 [View]
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My diet for the past couple of days consisted of nothing but coffee and fruit and water.

Whatever makes the lymph nodes in my throat swell, it's something in alcoholic drinks. I'm not sure it's the alcohol itself, it mostly happens when I drink beer.
I went to the doc and he did a blood test and said it might be an allergic reaction but he wasn't sure. Allergic reaction to beer. Hops maybe? Or maybe it's just cancer.

Next days I get off I'm gonna watch Pierrot le Fou by Godard.
Though I'm probably just gonna end up watching Roseanne episodes over and over and over again until I fall asleep listening to Bruce Springsteen.
I wanted to pick up running again but leaving the house is so disgusting. Being in the middle of a career and residence change is not the best time to feel so fucking anti-social.
I have loads of unanswered text messages from people that I continue to ignore and I've been out of toothpaste for three days but don't wanna go to the store.

It's my mothers birthday on Thursday. That rhymed. I don't know what to get her. All she does is smoke and drink and watch TV.

There's this cute blonde 24 year old at my work place working as an engineer, she has a degree in electrical engineering.
My two main activities at work are drinking all the office coffee and trying not to stare at her.
Nightshift is the worst. I used to like it, now it's just terrible. Working 7 days a week is terrible. 12 hour shifts are terrible. Working at an assembly line is terrible.

This morning I was woken up by a loud weird noise coming from somewhere in the house and I left my room to check, wearing nothing but boxers, and there stood a chimney sweeper with a big grey mustache in front of me.
Funny how they still look like they always did, all in black with big boots and a big tophat. I said good morning and went back to sleep.

>> No.9750971 [View]
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I've had alcohol once in my life. It wasn't anything special, I just felt a great warmth in my earlobes; I don't understand what the fuss is all about.

Was it because I didn't drink enough? Should I even bother?

>> No.9726633 [View]
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i have a business job and make good money but not enough to raise a family on. if i had more money, i would never work another day at a job in my life. i want to go to business school to make more money. my parents think it is foolish since there's nothing 'i want to do.' they suggested academia since i'd be able to read a lot and sit around on my ass.

i said that it's super hard to become a professor, so that's not really realistic. is anyone here in a similar position or had to make a similar choice?

is becoming a professor in something humanities-related nearly impossible? im 27 and only have a bachelors in english.

what are some /lit/ jobs i could do that you don't have to get extremely lucky to find a position and make enough money to support a family?

am i thinking about this wrong guys? what is your literary life plan?

>> No.9515861 [View]
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>"genre fiction is unoriginal garbage for plebs"
>reads yet another existential novel about a young disillusioned man wandering around a city

>> No.9450636 [View]
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what was the innovation of predicate logic? the answers i'm finding online aren't doing it for.

>> No.9431550 [View]
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Why does every sincere emotion I have trigger an overpowering desire to drink myself into nothingness.

Today I met a really really nice and sweet woman, and I talked to her for a bit, and nothing went wrong at all, but when I arrived home I downed two bottles of dry red wine.

Also I lost my job 2 days ago and I don't speak French so I have to read Camus in translation but these translations seem so utterly terrible.

I'm all out of wine almost so I gotta drunk drive to the store to get more. That rhymed.

I'm turning 21 tomorrow. Hooray.

>> No.9344450 [View]
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>tfw no great cause worth dying for

>> No.9302451 [View]
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That doesn't seem remotely profound or revolutionary.

How does he get us any further than Wittgenstein?

>> No.9120260 [View]
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>> No.9093451 [View]
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>tfw no one recs you books

>> No.8973216 [View]
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it depresses me to look at this list. i honestly don't think i'll be able to make it through in my lifetime, let alone re-read parts of it.


>> No.8821545 [View]
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>wants to write a book
>didn't even read a single book that came out this year

How do you justify this?

>> No.8700853 [View]
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>> No.8521589 [View]
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Good stuff. 4/5

Personally thought Neuromancer was garbage. Rest is good though. 3/5

Still don't get why people like The Idiot so much. Doesn't even come close to Dosto's other books. 3/5

>Camp of the Saints

wew lad

Great stuff. 5/5

Hope you enjoyed them as much as I did. 5/5

>> No.8286124 [View]
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>going to the theatre is pretty much free because of my country's enormous subsidies on everything cultural
>theatres are still always half empty

Not sure how I feel about this.

>> No.7789409 [View]
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Who /fit lit fa/ aesthetic master race here?

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