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>> No.12681292 [View]
File: 484 KB, 1109x1280, tumblr_mbitkiSNVI1qd02cco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do we do? I'm not a literal Christian but I do entertain the notions of Christianity as having literal truth to it. The thing is, I can't decipher what. I believe Jesus was real, and I believe in the generality of events related to him - he taught, he was caught, beaten and killed, then rose again. But I don't believe in the OT God, and am a Gnostic in a basic sense. It's only after seeing the Satanic artifacts around me (like CERN, or Gottherd Tunnel Opening Ceremony) that I pondered the reality of Jesus and these events in the Bible, yet I simultaneously think the Bible is used as a control-tool for the masses, and that the Vatican is part of the Satanic deception and has been always. So yeah, I'm just pretty lost. How do I live my life? I am confident that populations of children are being kidnapped and abused even as we speak - I have seen too much on the Pedogate front to ever unbelieve that. Even on Youtube, dear Lord. All the sickening videos left up there to corrupt children's minds, like Elsagate ones. All the mainstream social media corporations are in on it, including 4channel. What I'm going to tell you next will get this thread deleted, you ready? Look up PizzaBrain, a pizza restaurant in Philly, and then look up Little Baby's Ice Cream on Youtube. Watch their infamous commercial, with the horrific imagery and song/sound effects. Now look up their addresses in real life. They're literally neighbours. Two companies, both with highly inappropriate and sexualized combinations of food and babies/children, and they happen to be neighbours in real life. And "pizza" is of course the codeword for Pizzagate, and we have reason to believe now that there's a chain of such shops all over USA (and more, maybe) that are part of this pedophilia cult. PizzaBrain's official tumblr is where the image attached came from by the way, they like taking pictures of this stuff just like James Alephantis did. Sickening.

Yup, this thread is getting deleted now. Since actual truth was dropped. Remove it mods, you pedophile cowards. You're being watched by a higher power, you can be certain of that. God or Karma, who knows. But you'll get what you deserve for concealing the truth.

>> No.12602280 [View]
File: 484 KB, 1109x1280, tumblr_mbitkiSNVI1qd02cco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is very true, but I'm not merely responding to >muh degeneracy. I'm into """conspiracies""" (they're right in plain sight), and have seen many things come together of late. The Illuminati's symbolism is literally everywhere. Look at the VMA's of 2018, and Ariana Grande's performance of God Is A Woman. Look at the imagery on the stage, and especially the Star of David projected behind her. Look at EDM festivals, and the blatant Satanic imagery they project in the background, or of the other, completely out-of-place occultic you'll see on display there. These events are not what you think they are - they are harvests of energy, and somehow function towards a much more sinister end. There's absolutely a global pedophilia-cult, and any threads on /x/ about it get deleted after some time. TPTB definitely monitor this place, and every time threads on /x/ get too close to the truth, instead of being some stupid juvenile halloween costume LARP, they prune it. Only furthering our suspicions on that topic. The world you see today is not normal - it's not supposed to be this way. Wars, overpopulation, famine, environmental destruction, nihilism, consumerism, atheism - none of this is normal, it's all been engineered by a hidden hand. Every religion speaks about an End Times, and the details are strikingly similar, if not identical. Hindu and Buddhist culture have the Kali Yuga, which we're said to be in, and from which a Savior called Kalki or Maitreya will come and restore our world. Christianity and Islam have the same Savior, called the Son of Man or Mahdi. The details of them, which I won't get into, are strikingly uniform. Look into the Gottherd Tunnel Opening Ceremony, an event attended by many elite politicians of our world. Observe the blatantly Satanic imagery. Keep in mind I'm not even a Christian so I'm not here proselytizing. But you can look into this stuff yourself. The occult is all around you. Missing children statistics, if you look into them, will blow your mind. 100,000 children go missing in America each year. Pizzagate, whatever meme responses I'll get for this, is very real. I have found even more evidence relating to an underground pizza-pedophilia network. Want to see?

Look into Little Baby's Ice Cream, on youtube. Find their infamous commercial, and let yourself take in the fact that this is a real, living company in Philly. Now look into PizzaBrain, a Pizza-shop whose tumblr displays many of the same disturbing, food-imagery relating to children as does the rest. Like pic attached. Now look at the addresses of the two venues. They're neighbours, right beside eachother.

It runs much deeper than I could tell you here. But all I know is that our world is not supposed to be the way it presently looks. Much has been hidden from us, and everyone is being kept asleep. All the major corporations and institutions and political figures operate in favor of this agenda (Merkel was at the Gottherd Ceremony, for example).

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