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>> No.17607132 [View]
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Politics in general is just a slippery slope that leads to the nonsense we have now.

At the end of the day we all want the same thing, the only 'real' difference politically is the method in which you get there. The shit people whine about on /pol/ and other political areas aren't actually anything to do with politics or things people care about.

What people care about like things like jobs or the economy are things we can and should be able to have a meaningful dialog on. There is merits to both sides of the political spectrum.
>Hey I believe by giving tax breaks to businesses it'll allow them to expand and decrease prices for their products allowing more people to get jobs and increase the likelihood they put money back into the economy by buying these now cheaper products.
>That sounds like a good idea, however from past experience and what we can see currently that doesn't necessarily appear to be the case. When we look at what businesses actually spend their tax breaks on, it tends to not necessarily go back to the average employee and tends to go toward their upper echelons rather than going into new factories or research. Instead we should spend the tax money from what would have been a tax break directly to the citizens so that we know for sure its going where we want.
>Cool, but by giving it to citizens we see less of a long term impact and people aren't known for being intelligent with their money. Plus how do we determine who gets this money and for what purpose they get it?
actual politics has plenty to say on both sides and there's no reason anyone should be 100% invested in their way of thinking. Whether you agree or disagree with how to better the economy, you should be able to look at both sides objectively.

Things like trannies or BLM aren't real politics. Its things people posture about for the sake of moral high ground. And people don't hate those things because of a valid reason to hate it, they hate it because of 'principle' which is code for wanting to hate something for the sake of hating it without being personally affected by it. And if you actually went outside instead of reading twitter/4chan all day, you'd see literally nobody actually gives a fuck about it beyond putting a bumper sticker on their car.

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