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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.20045485 [View]
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One of the biggest lies people are fed nowadays, is that all of your thoughts are yours. Christ conquered the demons, but you can willingly submit yourself to them. Find where you have broken the commandments and you will find the root of your troubles.

>> No.19937546 [View]
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>The Autumn of the Patriarch
>Not well. A friend broke up with me and it's really been fucking with me the past few months. I want to love people so much, but I feel so rejected by the world; I wish I didn't need people in my life sometimes.

That was hauntingly beautiful. I wish you good luck friend.

Good, stay with it.

Stay busy is my advice for the day, also good luck. WAGMI

>> No.19903478 [View]
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I have this massive crush on this girl. She was in one my french class like 3 and a half years ago but I didn't ask her out then because I was talking to another girl in the same class but also because I was a massive depressed pussy who would always assume the girl would say no.

I saw her again in uni last semester but it was only once and I was walking with a friend so I didn't have the reflex to go ask her out then. I told myself if I ever see her again I would finally aks her out. Problem is I'm not in the smae program as her so our paths never crosses eachother, she probably doesn't even know that I exist.

Anyway, it's been 2 weeks since we're back in person and I'm pretty sure I saw her today in the hallways. I wasn't sure at first because she was form the back but once I got outside in the parking lot I realized it was her but at that point she was too far, I neede to run just to get to her, maybe I should've done it in hindsight even if she was talking with a friend.

I need to ask her out and get this over with because I'm going crazy. I reached the point today where I googled her fuckin name which is fuckin wierd and obsessive. I'll be on the lookout next week, if I can't do it in person because I don't see her, I'll slide in her DMs. I'd rather do it in person though, I feel like the odds she says yes is higher because my instagram is pretty shit ; 1 outdated pictures of me and the only photos I'm tagged in is blurry family photos posted by my mom lol.

Imagine if she says yes, how great would that be.

>> No.19899616 [View]
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>> No.19636150 [View]
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Thoughts on satellite internet, solar/wind/bicycle dynamo electricity, vegetable garden & Earthship home stoic ponder-garden-tender GigaHermit? Why is that not the "norm" yet?

>> No.19557410 [View]
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Sounds cringe.

>> No.19537414 [View]
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I know you are in the hospital, anon, I know you are good in there.

>> No.19498182 [View]
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gn bros.

>> No.18763009 [View]
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Don Quixote taught me to dream and I don't need anything else.

>> No.18304243 [View]
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Does anyone have the /lit/ most recommend charts?
I wanted to expand my library, and wanted some recommendations for what I should fill it with.
Other book charts will do as well

>> No.17815420 [View]
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>> No.17546022 [View]
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read and become knowledgeable on an array of common topics, history, basic chemistry, classical literature & philosophy (start with the greeks), play games like chess, engage in debates

>> No.17278325 [View]
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>Start Reading books life feels better
its crazy how little normies read, in my family I'm the only one actively reading anyone else on the same boat?

>> No.17000414 [View]
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i make $6.61 an hour living in my own country. tinnitus since as long as i can remember because i grew up in a shipbuilding area, but things have never once been bad. have you considered moving? finding a job somewhere in Europe or more developed SEA countries? i find that anglos simultaneously produce the most entertaining yet debased content. it doesn't seem like you necessarily have less, but that there is never any escape from wanting more. the 'actual' learning curve for living in a western country is lower, but the imposed learning curve of keeping up with the joneses and FOMO-type, rat race ideologies is astoundingly high.

i genuinely believe living/working somewhere else would do you better than trying to figure it out by sheer agency alone. at the very least, it would viscerally show you how different things could actually be

>t. 24 year old SEAmonke

>> No.16752235 [View]
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>> No.16739283 [View]
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on the topic:
George Bernanos is great. "Diary of a country priest" makes you want to talk to narrator for hours, easing his worries, and make the poor man take some meds for his stomach.

>> No.16292280 [View]
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>> No.16115973 [View]
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This is actually a genius advice, yes OP, you should go back and analyse your past, see where it all started, see the mistakes you made so you can avoid repeting them. See all that went wrong (and also what went right) so you can learn and start on the right path.

>> No.15703804 [View]
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>> No.15343204 [View]
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Did any of you Europeans have to read English books for school while growing up? If so, did you have to read any American classics like Moby dick, the great Gatsby huckleberry finn/Tom sawyer, or the grapes of wrath? How did you enjoy them?

>> No.15279697 [View]
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>> No.15244183 [View]
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>if god good why bad thing happen
If it wasn't because your father is dying, I would tell you to go please fuck off back to Plebbit. As it happens, I hope your father recovers as soon as possible. May Gods deliver.

>> No.15161262 [View]
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>> No.15045258 [View]
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>tfw the clouds part from the horizon and for the first time you glimpse the Transcendent
Brothers... I have seen the light. I’m born anew.

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