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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.19845607 [View]
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>Bros, would a godless police-estate with government enforced views of morality be super ebic?

>> No.19721411 [View]
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>On top of writing the obligatory giant response inventing reasons to nitpick and hate on each author after having the gall of mentioning Zolá, Flaubert and Celine as good authors, for some fucking reason the one american he likes is Ezra Pound
The jokes write themselves.

>> No.19709679 [View]
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>coming wave of sex negativity?
Fuck I wish. Fact of the matter is, even casual sex has become boring for the retard normies that love it so much. That's why everyone nowadays has some solid 10 fetishes on top of the acceptance of schizo labels such as "pansexual" or "non-binary". Just engaging in casual sex has been boring since the times Focault was around, so he needed a whole arm up his ass as if he were Kermit the Frog. Just being gay or even bi doesn't quite cut it anymore. Both casual sex and homosexuality have become perfectly acceptable in the scope of the overton-window so what else is there? Engage in further degeneracy until you can feel something, and pretend as if you are the edgy wet dream of rebellion you had as a teen looking up to the sexual revolution of the 60s.

People are naturally disgusted by sluts and rampant sexual behavior because it is something that comes written in your very DNA, your innermost instincts, your synaptic survival responses. A woman that is having rampant sex is risking not only pregnancy for which she will have no father for providence, but also risking STDs, as the one being penetrated during sex runs much more risk of getting it than the penetrating partner. That is a woman with no sense of self-preservation, who places satisfaction above long-term thinking, and men AND women alike are repulsed by that. What a surprise that early sexual behavior in teenagers is correlated to mental illness and criminal behavior, and that the bigger the number of sexual partners in a woman the higher her chance of divorce Because casual rampant sex is NOT normal.

>muh syphilic whoremonger who couldn't get a willing woman to touch his pee-pee
Nietzsche is a mental weakling whose opinions are based on emotional responses towards the meanies of the world trying to control the edgy angry german man. like a teenager, "Christianity resents life" is the most emotionally reactive, little pissy take possible. Take a good look on the levels of colon cancer, super gonorrhea and uncontrollable AIDS in societies with rampant sex and tell me about that.

Infinitely based

>> No.19440605 [View]
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>> No.19413266 [View]
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The perfectly psychology. It’s like a hyperphotorealistic painting, but of a psyche.

>> No.19402638 [View]
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>muh semantics
>muh logical gotcha


>> No.19252287 [View]
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>Infinite Jest
reads like Wes Anderson's Royal Tenenbaums laced with some drug talk and tennis stuff that never really pays off or goes anywhere, too long, too much meandering, most of the end notes were beyond unnecessary, it just feels like it could have been a second-rate funny little novel that young women would read if written by a discount Maria Semple

>The Catcher in the Rye
One of those philosophical novels written from the point of view of a struggling man trying to cope with reality, but written about the most uninteresting story that happened to the most uninteresting whiny fucker ever

>Bukowski's Post Office
WORST novel I've ever read, no exaggeration, never even bothered with Ham on Rye because this was so shit. Extremely boring, uneventful, self-indulgent with nothing to indulge, a real test of resilience if not for the fact it is so short.

>Kafka's Metamorphosis
One of those novels whose contents have been entirely exhausted by the collective consciousness as everyone has already talked about it to infinite lengths, leaving behind only its extremely beige prose and predictable, patience testing events, despite being not even 100 pages long

>Every Hemingway novel
Sparse beige prose, self-indulgent existentialism from a guy without much to say and without many thoughts to muse on, boring and mostly without pay off

>Great Expectations
Tacky melodrama, like a shitty soap opera, really a product of its time

>Requiem for a Dream
Trainspotting but one-dimensional, relentlesly fear mongering and much less nuanced, alarmist and hystrionic

>> No.19246249 [View]
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>> No.17168855 [View]
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I mean maybe, but I'm probably also autistic, u guys be the judge.
>I never really considered myself a reader, I only read the books assigned to me in school plus just a couple others.
>Recently I went on /lit/ just to check it out the board for once after being on 4chan for years
>Browse a thread talking about book recs
>Somebody says that Heart of Darkness has God-tier prose
>Never really read a book for the prose, but I think it might be cool to try
>Go to a Barnes and Noble thats a little further away from the one I usually go to
>As I'm purchasing the book, the girl checking me out says that its a fantastic choice
>Goes on about how much she loves modernist literature
>Mention to her that I don't read all that much besides philosophy, but I am looking forward to getting back into reading
>Fucking hate that I did ask for her number God she was beautiful
>Down the book in 24 hours, a phenomenal feat for me
>I do this just so that I can go back to B&N and talk to her about the book and ask her on a date
>I've been back three times now, primarily going there to find her and talk to her (and not pussy out this time)
>Keep repeating the cycle of finishing a book, returning it and getting a new one, just so I don't look like a fucking creep going in there all the time getting one book a day.
>Even went back today, didn't see her, but talked about Kierkegaard with the older guy at the register
I'm leaving for vacation in two days and I'm gonna be gone for a week. Just bought two more books today to last me throughout the trip. All in all, my fruitless pursuit of finding this girl and asking her out has gotten me to read way more than I ever have in my life, which is good because I have been reading Kierkegaard and his spiritual writings. I have learned more about my faith from his book The Lily of the Field and the Bird of the Air, but I still haven't seen the girl again. Reading this over myself, I do sound pretty autistic.

>> No.16361470 [View]
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>he can't recognise the sheep motif as an allegory
>he takes a metaphor literally

This is your notice. Please yourself from /lit/ promptly.

>> No.16308526 [View]
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>considers himself not a "normie" and takes pride in that
>hates duh liberals, is fox news conservative or alt-right
>types like a 13 year old trolling on runescape

That right there is your average neo-/lit/ Nietzsche poster lmfao

>> No.11671182 [View]
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