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>> No.7425436 [View]
File: 1.14 MB, 1993x1496, DriveRustled3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7420678 [View]
File: 1.14 MB, 1993x1496, DriveRustled3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pls go kekshill, its almost embarrassing to see someone that's so bent over by ideology that they become a sycophant to a movement that fundamentally care about them.

its not wonder that there are so many articles out there about feminists avoiding male-feminists, or about how many male-feminists are literal keks or "polyamorous".

>believing feminism is anything other than equality between sexes.
Except that -depending on where you live- there is OUTRIGHT undermining of discussion of this exact topic. Want to talk about male suicide rates? Protested ,banned. Want to talk about alimony laws? Protested, banned. Want to TALK about feminism but you're sex-negative or republican? Protested, banned.

Feminism -especially on universities- appears to be like any other ideology: a means to collectivize people to exploit their absence of meaningful direction in life, and to utilize it to erect the misguided power pursuits of a vocal minority. They're a last bastion of censorship of western thought thus far.

>Yes there are cases in which women enjoy privileges, but these are far fewer than the privileges men enjoy.
Citation fucking needed. There are no legal rights that women lack, and all "biases" that i conceive of have biological or evolutionary hypotheses. I'll trust a naturalistic and empirical explanation ANY day over vague post-structuralist marxist theory.

>Afraid to lose privilege.
Typical, you're unable to even conceive that your opponents sincerely hold their beliefs, no, we have to be conspiratorial boogie-men that are working to disenfranchising women as a "class".

When I write our speak on these issues i hedge my words, I know there are people that have drank the cool-aide, I know there are people that think the way you do. I think they're wrong, but i'm not going to be stupid enough to propose that they're part of a conspiracy to do away with men altogether.

>> No.7410364 [View]
File: 1.14 MB, 1993x1496, DriveRustled3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bach is the great composer of all time, the ONLY others that could match or surpass him are Beethoven and Mozart.

Literally. If you aren't in awe at his level of counter-point mastery then you mustn't understand classical music.

Listen to the well tempered klavier, the goldberg variations and the art of fugue.

Even if you have to listen to each version rendered in quartet its fucking incredible.

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