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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.19552356 [View]
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I used to think this is what he thought when he killed himself. But sometimes I think he did it so people would immortalize him as a writer since I think he was self-absorbed enough to think,believe and do this.

>> No.18524268 [View]
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>tfw by accident visited the collective unconscious on zolpidem again
bruh I just want to sleep

>> No.18272445 [View]
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Genius or new age hack? Give arguments for or against.

>> No.18216215 [View]
File: 364 KB, 1200x1801, jung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“Christ exemplifies the archetype of the self. He represents a totality of a divine or heavenly kind, a glorified man, a son of God sine macula peccati, unspotted by sin”.

>“If we see the traditional figure of Christ as a parallel to the psychic manifestation of the self, then the Antichrist would correspond to the shadow of the self, namely the dark half of the human totality, which ought not to be judged too optimistically. So far as we can judge from experience, light and shadow are so evenly distributed in man’s nature that his psychic totality appears, to say the least of it, in a somewhat murky light. The psychological concept of the self, in part derived from our knowledge of the whole man, but for the rest depicting itself spontaneously in the products of the unconscious as an archetypal quaternity bound together by inner antinomies, cannot omit the shadow that belongs to the light figure, for without it this figure lacks body and humanity. In the empirical self, light and shadow form a paradoxical unity. In the Christian concept, on the other hand, the archetype is hopelessly split into two irreconcilable halves, leading ultimately to a metaphysical dualism—the final separation of the kingdom of heaven from the fiery world of the damned.”

>“It is, in fact, so one-sidedly perfect that it demands a psychic complement to restore the balance. This inevitable opposition led very early to the doctrine of the two sons of God, of whom the elder was called Satanaël. The coming of the Antichrist is not just a prophetic prediction—it is an inexorable psychological law whose existence, though unknown to the author of the Johannine Epistles, brought him a sure knowledge of the impending enantiodromia.”

J- Jung bros? I'm scared.

>> No.18126192 [View]
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How did you get into psychoanalysis?

>> No.18083791 [View]
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What would he think of the world today?

>> No.17913812 [View]
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What does /lit/ think of Carl Jung?

>> No.17850463 [View]
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Thoughts on Jung (pbuh)?

>> No.17610970 [View]
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Has anyone here actually been able to apply his ideas to their life to their benefit? How would one realistically go about integrating their Shadow? or Anima?

>> No.17597457 [View]
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I want to get into Carl Jung. Where should I start? I am interested in self discovery and will be coming of Nietzche's Zarathustra and Ecce Homo, if that helps.

>> No.17584605 [View]
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How do I get into his stuff?

>> No.17556477 [View]
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Where to start with Jung? Which of his books are worth reading?

>> No.17476987 [View]
File: 364 KB, 1200x1801, Jung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This life is a way, the long sought-after way to the unfathomable, which we call divine. There is no other way; all other ways are false paths. I am lead to you, my soul. I return, tempered and purified. Do you still recognize me?
>I still labored misguidedly under the spirit of this time, and thought differently about the human soul. I knew many scholarly words for her and I judged her and turned her into a scientific object. I did not consider that my soul cannot be the object of my judgement and knowledge; much more are my judgement and knowledge the objects of my soul.
>I must learn the dregs of my thought, my dreams, which are the speech of my soul. I must carry them in my heart and go back and forth with them in my mind. Dreams are the guiding words of the soul.
>One would like to learn this language but who can teach and learn it? Scholarliness alone is not enough; there is a knowledge of the heart that gives deeper insight.
>Scholarliness belongs to the spirit of this time, but this spirit in no way grasps the dream, since the soul is everywhere that scholarly knowledge is not.
>The spirit of this time of course allowed me to believe in my reason.
>The soul speaks in images, not in words. Therefore I speak in images. Between reason and nonsense we find supreme meaning.

What the fuck did he mean by this?

>> No.16654600 [View]
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Whats your favourite Jungian archetype /lit/?

>> No.16514508 [View]
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>it is an extraordinarily intelligent book
>If I understand anything of the I Ching, then I should say it is the book that teaches you your own way and the all-importance of it. Not in vain has the book been the secret treasure of the sages.
>I see no reason why we would not find astonishingly true things in the thought of the ancient sages, such as the I Ching represents

>> No.15717894 [View]
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I want to get started on Carl Jung. Is there any material I should read before starting his works? Also what books by him are essential reads and what order should I read them in?

>> No.15040389 [View]
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Sigmund Freud
Carl Jung
Georges Dumezil
Gilbert Durand
Mircea Eliade
Gaston Bauchelard

Where do I start and in what order do I read them?

>> No.14342204 [View]
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What is a (or some) good books exploring Jung's idea of The Shadow.

I have learned about this recently and I am interested in reading more about it.
Is there a main book where he talks about it?

Or perhaps someone more modern talking about the concept would be better.
Googling came up with "Meeting The Shadow" by a Connie Zweig has anyone read and would recommend that or some other book that talks about it?

>> No.14297778 [View]
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>> No.13184902 [View]
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how do you niggers feel that your unconscious mind is directing your life in ways you are not conscious of? on top of you failing to understand your own unconscious mind, you also fail to understand what your dreams are trying to tell you. how do you justify being such a dumb nigger to ignore this all?

>> No.11276329 [View]
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Is there a /lit/ guide to Jung? How does one start?
inb4 the greeks

>> No.11127767 [View]
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Getting started on Jung, what books should I read?

>> No.11116586 [View]
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Tell me how he was wrong, /lit/.

>> No.11059224 [View]
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I have never read Jung. Is this man's characterization of it accurate?


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