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>> No.11693962 [View]
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that link is a blast. i'm actually reading wiener/the human use of human beings now and it's crazy to see it listed in there too. one of the other parts i liked:
>jung in capsules and tasting like medicine
sounds like they were having a good time. plus arthur koestler, buckminster fuller, the i ching, psycho-cybernetics and the teachings of don juan. holy shit. this is too much fun, anon.

>I'd start looking into the revolutionary potentials of mimetic relay nodes. beyond Deleuze and Guattari to the Macy Conference and the RAND corporation. Mimetic Desire, Cybernetics, Structural Anthropology, Pierre Clastres, Maoist insurgency tactics, Alexandre Kojeve and his pupils(namely Lacan, Bataille, Callois and Girard), social ecology, McLuhanism on speed, Network theory, post-ironic neosituationist proclamations, image boards as nomadic think tanks/mass encounter spaces leveraging anonymity to synthesize viral strains of revolutionary schizophrenia.
that's a big reading list and an incredibly cool one. some of that stuff i'm familiar with. but seeing it all together like that gives me the warm fuzzies. i would pick up any book that name-dropped these guys in a hot second. my brain is melting just thinking about it.

>You might just be another mimetic relay node, schizzed out of coherent subjecthood by hypermedia OD.
not a doubt in my mind. today i'm one of norbert wiener's black boxes. and malfunctioning.

>The more you think about it, Our current predicament resembles less the indefinite continuation of liberal democratic bourgeois society and starts looking like an aborted techno organic whole earth utopia: Starbucks, amazon/Whole Foods apple computer company and google/alphabet inc...
it is. which is sad. consumer burnout. but this is all preamble to the increasingly automated society, to machine planet. i can't remember who it was that said the 21C will be the age where we realize that *technology* will disappoint us. the show must go on, of course. but yeah. there will be fallout. you can smell what the rock is cooking already.

i could see a resurgence in eco-brand living, tho, if people decide that at some point cities are just too much for them.

>How to tune in to the messiah frequency? It's not a question of 'accelerating the process' or of fulfilling the promises of a phantasmagoric counterculture utopia, well maybe it is, but it is also about way more than that. It's about making full use of all available tools.

how indeed.

this is such a fine post anon, it's been a slice just reading this. i feel like i just got brain-zapped by the 60s. it's been a pleasure synthesizing viral strains. the net is truly vast and infinite. i hope you're well out there.

>Does anyone here actually take Land seriously?

>He is bat shit insane
more like batshit interesting. the future is cybernetic, robotic. it's all technology. you don't have to agree with his conclusions, but they will make you think. start with the greeks.

>> No.11261846 [View]
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just briefly, i know there are some pretty dumb-looking things in there. deleuze isn't big on desire? ofc he is. he's so big on it that he becomes the world's greatest spinozist: it's *all* desire. and there's no arguing with deleuze.

>It is the brain that says I, but I is an other. It is not the same brain as the brain of connections and secondary integrations, although there is no transcendence here. And this I is not only the "I conceive" of the brain as philosophy, it is also the "I feel" of the brain as art. Sensation is no less brain than the concept. If we consider the nervous connections of excitation-reaction and the integrations of perception- action, we need not ask at what stage on the path or at what level sensation appears, for it is presupposed and withdrawn. The withdrawal is not the opposite but a correlate of the survey. Sensation is excitation itself, not insofar as it is gradually prolonged and passes into the reaction but insofar as it is preserved or preserves its vibrations. Sensation contracts the vibrations of the stimulant on a nervous surface or in a cerebral volume: what comes before has not yet disappeared when what follows appears. This is its way or responding to chaos. Sensation itself vibrates because it contracts vibrations. It preserves itself because it preserves vibrations: it is Monument, It resonates because it makes its harmonics resonate. Sensation is the contracted vibration that has become quality, variety. That is why the brain-subject is here called soul or force, since only the soul preserves by contracting that which matter dissipates, or radiates, furthers, reflects, refracts, or converts.

What Is Philosophy? is really worth a read, in case anyone was wondering. whether or not land is doing to him what marx did to hegel is a question to be asked (i say yes), and marx is a downer as much as land often is, as much as hegel and deleuze are not downers. but maybe philosophical history works like this. so what i'm saying, however prematurely, is, so what's after land? and maybe it's dem chinese sages.

what does it mean to have a brain? the more we become mimetic acrobats, the more we simulate, the more we algorithmicize, the more we teach the bots to take care of us, the more pressing these questions become. we're heading for a brand new world, maybe brand new species of human beings also. surely the way to get along in the 21C will not be the way we did in the 20C. a post-postmodern world is a postmodern world that doesn't give a fuck, that *doubles down on the simulacra* in the absence of the real. in america this looks like a widening divide.

but seriously, maybe we can withdraw from all of that stuff for a bit, and consider how life might be if we weren't so fractured by the red/blue divide. or even, maybe, by the rich/poor divide...

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