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>> No.18381707 [View]
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The relationship with America the mythological Atlantis (that was also said to be destroyed by a Flood) is also speculated by René Guénon in his Symbols of Sacred Science:

>From this last point, we want to draw at least one conclusion: at the decline of a civilisation, it is the most inferior side of its tradition which persists the longest, in particular the ‘magical’ side, which, moreover, contributes to the complete ruin of the tradition by the deviations it gives rise to. This is said to be what happened with Atlantis. Magic is also the only immaterial thing of which the debris still survive from civilisations which have entirely ceased to function-witness the cases of Egypt, of Chaldea, even of Druidism; and no doubt the ‘fetishism’ of the negro peoples has a similar origin. Sorcery could be said to be made of the vestiges of dead civilisations. Is this why the serpent, in the most recent times, has hardly kept anything but its malefic character.

Guénon using such terms above as “negro fetishism” may sound a bit pompous and even racist at first consideration, but the point he is making, that such traditions are to be considered of vestiges of some higher religious systems and cultures that degraded over time when the “true knowledge” of the "true rites" was lost through some sort of Catasthrope.

Similar fate is awaiting for America, it may take few thousand or hundred years, but the continent itself will degrade similarily to those negroid cultures to extreme primitive fetishism, obea and voodoo etc. only time will tell. What we can be sure that the Maso-Judeo-Atlantis will end up in a catasthrope.

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