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>> No.12029241 [View]
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yeah, well, be that as it may Slime Queens and guys named Murphy are big deals in the tiny little grotto in which i live. there are only four Murphys Of Note in my life and Justin is one of them. he's met with Uncle Nick and gave us a pretty swell interview to meme about and the Nick Land's Wild Ride is the song which we are compelled to sing

>> No.12011386 [View]
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>I think you're literally optimizing your pessimism.
i think i am too.

>I like your project I contribute to it.
fuck yeah. come on in bucko

>Anyway, no it would be decent if it were a matter of our desire being weaponized but no we are just getting little shocks in the right places and twitching and that's it.
yeah, maybe. that's part of it. i tend to prefer hallucinatory visions of Big Stuff tho, 'tis my nature.

>Life is a means to killing.
2 bleak 4 me. I prefer Fuck Yeah Space Taoism by a country mile, see >>12004842, >>12004847, >>12004854. not saying you're wrong, just that loops between life and death too narrowly plotted make too many NPCs and a terminal mass of NPCs eventually puts a dam up on the river that feeds the little grotto in which i dwell, or fills it with toxic sludge that destroys my little coral garden. i'm anti-NPC and pro-Satori in that way.

it's a good question. even if not, it would have been sad to have been trapped at the End of Time forever, right? even the End of Time is only a temporary asylum, or refuge, from the real world (as is this thread). eventually We Have To Go Back. my hope is that when we do Go Back we either go there a little more inwardly resolved, or that maybe even someday there will be a cooler place to Go Back to. i'm skeptical, but i'm even more skeptical about the culture of cynicism that forces me to live at the End of Time in the first place.

i'd prefer Rivendell but the times seem to have changed. anyways, massive blocks of text on the hermeneutics of Chrono Trigger are most welcome, if you have some thoughts on the matter. The End of Time is a pretty cozy place (as was the Big Whale from FF4 and ofc the Blackjack and Falcon from FF6).

>> No.11996243 [View]
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>It doesnt make sense to me. As soon as you think of something it is too late to act on, yet the idea purports some form of action.

get to know Hegel. there's an Owl of Minerva with things to say about this that Land did not come up with first.

>We should accelerate capitalism to spread so a new future appears. What future? Accelerationism has both left and right proponents... unless I'm reading it wrong Nick Land doesnt propose a particular desires future.

he does propose one, and it would look like Singapore if anything. he's skeptical that will happen in the West, but it's not like he's throwing up straw men for the fun of it. Moldbug/NRx/patchwork did the rest of the heavy lifting here as far as political philosophy is concerned. this is how the whole Dark Enlightenment party began. i'm not really into DE/NRx myself, however. i'm an anarcho-masochist and neo-Augustinian cringelord windbag. my own political ideal would be a quirky Taoist village in fog-shrouded hills, with all kinds of hilarious word games instead of anything like a civil code.

>So, keep living like you are because there will be change in the future? If this is a philosophy it doesnt really seem to be saying anything, and if it's a political agenda it doesnt seem to be doing anything either.

uh...no. if there are changes in the future they will either be a) almost too subtle to notice them or b) so spectacularly crazy they will probably destroy and render null and void everything written here. the primary difference between Cosmotech and accelertion is its basically apolitical sensibilities. all politics ever teaches me is that change must come from within, and yet this is a difficult order, because it's not like you still don't have to live in the Wild Ride afterwards. 'twas why i was so excited about Fuck Yeah Space Taoism. if you're looking for a manifesto or a blueprint for 21C politics And This Time We'll Do It Right, turn back now. it's not going to happen. politics is the problem, and the problems inherent to it are philosophical to the very bottom. that's more what i'm interested in. mass politics a shit.

it's individuals that matter. i've been seduced away from politics in my own way, and now i'm streaming my own little string of memes and words together based on what seems to make sense to me. but yeah, no Change In The Future and no real political agendas either. mostly just theory-talk, and mysticism instead of manifesto.

>> No.11963027 [View]
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>Give yourself a trip OP, you're one of the few people on here that meets the criteria for using one legitimately. UncleNick or something like that.
hey, thanks! that's very kind anon. i do have a handle (sort of): it's girardfag. and IRL this is me. but you can search me on warosu for more schizo-ramble if you like. it's all Landian stuff, although my early posting is...more colorful (read: stupid). there is a lot of demented addle-posting about land and other guys in continental theory in the archives to read. Cosmotech, however, appears to be what it was leading up to.

good point. and a good clarification also. also, the pic in the above post is the myth of the castration of Saturn, not the myth of Epimetheus, in case any anons ITT are super-hardcore about your mythology (as you should, given that Greek mythology is patrician af). i wanted to clarify that. i just thought it was a super-cool image to use.

carrying forward:

>Through sacrifice mortals are put in their place: between the beasts and the gods, in this in-between (between appearing and disappearing) resulting from a deviation. It is not a matter of recalling a state of nature, nor of claiming what "human nature" ought to have been; there was no fall, but a fault, no hap nor mishap, but mortality.

>For Hesiod, bringing to light the condition of humanity consists not in defining a "human nature" of which he has no idea, but in unveiling, through the narrative of the founding of the sacrifice, all the implications, immediate or distant, of this cult that regards the very status of humans, that is, the place assigned to them.

>The Hesiodic myth allows us to understand how the question of the community—which becomes the question of politics (ending up, in the Protagorean version, with the sending of Hermes)—is indissociable from the cult of sacrifice: the political community is solely constituted in the memory of the original sacrifice, that is, indissociable from the Promethean fault. It can also be seen in this context that religion and the polis are indissociably understood in ancient Greece in terms of mortality qua the originary departure from all origins, that is, qua technicity—an ambiguous, stolen, all too human reflection of power/potential.

>Humans, like all mortal creatures, like beasts, are on a different level to the gods, standing to one side, strangers to the divine sphere. Singular, however, among mortal creatures, and unlike the beasts, their mode of existence implies a constant reference to, a particular relation with the supernatural Powers. There is no city, no human life that does not set up a relation to the divine world through an organized cult, establishing thereby something like a community with it. It is this ambiguity concerning the human condition, both separate from and close to the divine, outside it and in relation to it, that Prometheus assumes in his own manner within the divine sphere itself.

>> No.11879554 [View]
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my aim in the cosmotech threads is to put a white hat on acceleration. my personal issue is the rage inherent to postmodernity, but think there is nevertheless a silver lining in the blackest of landian black clouds. reading (and posting!) has convinced me that i'm not the only one seeing these things, and that there are ways of comporting yourself to Planet Meme. cultivating yourself, withdrawing from the control apparatus, trying to forgive others, things like this...i think these things are possible and necessary, and so i'm hopeful in that sense. to me trying to survive not capital, but a culture of militancy driven by acceleration is the deal.

china is a whole other story.

they're on a different trajectory: we're moving towards decentralization, they're opting for super-centralization. i'm certain that the state of the current western zeitgeist informs decision-making over there. and i really don't know how you win an ideological battle with CCP state lawyers dual-wielding marx in one hand and confucius in the other. to me that is a DNA helix of CTRL like no other. so i am fascinated by social credit because it represents something very different from the sorcerous mechanics of postmodernity i am familiar with. the ghosts of marx and nietzsche, the loop that runs from hegel to land, heidegger, girard et al are names i'm good with and can shitpost about ad nauseam (and i have).

but social credit is to me is this other thing. in some sense it is the culmination of postmodernity itself - Unironic True Panopticon - and in another a kind of outrageous rebuff of it (CTRL > critique). and it is happening in china, and not over here, but this is also the potentially more worldly china of 2018 and not of an earlier period. this is also the Trumpocene era in the west, which also isn't offering so many nice non-radical alternatives to this either. and the worse things get, the more the appeal of a soft totalitarianism may be.

but the last thing i want to be is the heartbreaker and professional doomsayer of /lit/. i really don't want to shit in anyone's punch bowl. my hope is not to fucking depress anyone, as i get depressed enough on my own thinking about this stuff sometimes. i do think there are ways to comport oneself to postmodernity that don't lead to defenestration, and that the way forward is via a rigorous engagement with acceleration so as to de-escalate the infinite Blue Team/Red Team feuding, and hopefully in favor of a wiser, saner cosmopolitanism less inclined to political romanticism. there are tough times for us ahead, and the sooner we drop the political horseshit and focus on building better humans, the better. i do think is that a lot of the problems we have are urban. leave the city - Exit - and perspectives change almost overnight.

but as for the east? i have no idea.

perhaps the best way to avoid depression is to remember that i am not an expert in any of this stuff. just a wee little fish with wi-fi.

>> No.11866794 [View]
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>Oh snap it's happening again.
it is. working on my next batch of schizopost homebrew now, will be up in a few hours.

>thanks for the picture of you that you included Girard, very cool!
kek, i just had to grab something before i headed out. i haven't settled on an avatar but i'm partial to this little guy.

>> No.11802263 [View]
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that's me senpai.

>> No.11602032 [View]
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nope, no discord or twitter. and i prefer to just keep it /lit/ these days. maybe someday i'll crawl out of my hidey-hole and rejoin the world again but for now i prefer the relative anonymity of melanesian tap-dancing forum life.

>> No.10970511 [View]
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back at you fella. i do very much enjoy rambling here with the many fine anons of /lit/.

good tidings to you as well and best of luck in your adventures on planet meme.

>> No.10201882 [View]
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i am girardfag of /lit/

i occasionally appear here and shitpost dementedly about nick land or w/e

i posted all of those comments

and they are not to be taken too seriously

>please tell me what to read to understand all this shit
start with the greeks obv

>how old you are
349 feels about right

>so I can ascertain how much my progress is already stilted
it isn't, you're probably doing fine


>> No.9184942 [View]
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