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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.13923233 [View]
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Based and redpilled

>> No.13408543 [View]
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Llamadas Telefonicas

>> No.8149187 [View]
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>> No.7786342 [View]
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>White Noise

>> No.7247630 [View]
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Not who you're replying to, but

Doesn't science, as it is now, use naturalism as a basic assumption of reality? That all things which exist are due to natural forces and not super-natural ones?

Anything which isn't natural would be outside the domain of science. So if something exists which is not natural or if something has elements that aren't natural, then science would be incapable of giving a description of it.

So if love, for example, has non-natural elements, then science wouldn't be able to fully describe it. It wouldn't even be able to tell whether or not it has non-natural elements since even the possibility of them being there couldn't be considered.

>> No.7195797 [View]
File: 47 KB, 722x349, helpme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to undergrad at good school
>waste all free time I have
>squander opportunities to take cool philosophy/literature classes
>graduate feeling like I know nothing
>move back home for that NEET life
>start with the Greeks
>start slowly but surely churning through literary canon
>mfw I feel like I'm learning for the first time ever, now that I'm not in school for the first time in my life
>mfw my education began after my schooling ended
>mfw this would be impossible if I had to get a job or had friends

I genuinely do not know how well-adjusted people can become in any way literarily erudite. I am slowly abandoning materialistic urges as I realize that they would require work and would therefore detract from my reading time. On the rare occasion that I even try to socialize, I spend the whole time comparing my experience with the elation of reading novels, history, or even dry philosophy, and without fail find reality wanting, and regret having chosen to spend time with people instead of books.

I realize that all forms of literature are supposed to give us insight into the human experience, yet I find that actual experience paling in comparison with books about it. How could your day to day reality possibly hold a candle to the great texts of literature? How could any adventures you have compare with Dumas' stories, with the wanderings of Don Quixote; how could your girlfriend compare with the great loves of Tolstoy, or of the Victorian writers; how could your social squabbles compare with the political maneuvering of the men who built Rome; how could your conflicts compare with the bloodshed on the fields below Troy, your struggles with Odysseus' voyage home, your ambitions with Alexander the Great or Captain Ahab?

I hope that doesn't sound derisive or accusatory; I'm just slowly becoming disillusioned with the banality of actual life compared with great books, and I don't know what the fuck to do about it. How the fuck are we supposed to read about Alexander the Great conquering the world, and then go back to our regular lives, wondering if some girl likes us, or which class to take?

Like, does anything even matter? Are we missing out by reading instead of living, or are we missing out by living instead of reading?

>mfw I have reached the point of asking /lit/ what the meaning of life is
>mfw constantly living on the point of some kind of breakdown
>mfw not sure if getting a job/girlfriend would make me genuinely happy, or would only seem to do so because it would distract me from what appears to be a burgeoning existential crisis

>> No.7117646 [View]
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Did you miss the part where we don't both fuck other people?

>not picking up sluts on OKCupid

>> No.7111971 [View]
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Is being agnostic really such an untenable position? Is it really "intellectual cowardice" to decide that God's existence is unknowable and/or incomprehensible instead of choosing whether God definitely exists or not?

>> No.6513641 [View]
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Suttree is a pretty lonely man.

>> No.6319613 [View]
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pic related. Actually all feels memes, because they are extremly relateable.

>> No.6229148 [View]
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Are you aware of your pretensions?

>> No.5957515 [View]
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In a sane world this would be sarcasm, but unfortunately this is not a sane world.

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