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>> No.18866134 [View]
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Bump. Anyone else know this feel? Anyone been able to elicit this feel out of their readers?

>> No.18461519 [View]
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I just scrolled through facebook and everyone is a sad fat sack of shit.

I just scrolled through instagram and everyone is a fake, angled, bullshit sad sack of shit.

I just scrolled through linkedin and everyone is so humbled and thankful and humbled to announce their new job at CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS MEDIUM SIZED LAW FIRM ON TRACK TO PARTER WITH SMILES AND POTLUCKS

No relationship I have with anyone is 'real'.

I hate everyone I've ever met at this point. I hate the remains of my 'social life'. I hate how these people repeat platitudes and try their best to be happy. God I need to lose weight. Brb doing 100 jumping jacks.

>> No.18337529 [View]
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;-; they are happier without me and some are married now. I'd drink my sorrows away, but I think my kidneys are shot.

>> No.18225496 [View]
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>audible hopes you have enjoyed this program

>> No.17905255 [View]
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I miss my friends, but I know those relationships are all rotting away.
I miss going to an office, but I know I hated it when I used to go.
I miss going to restaurants, but I know I was getting fat.
I miss going to bars, but I know I would just get too drunk.
I feel like I've been blaming all my problems on the isolation of the pandemic, but I know it's just a fundamental problem with myself. I should be content. Life will soon go back to normal. But since I lost my job and had to start my own practice the bills aren't being paid. Clients aren't coming in. All my friends from school hate their jobs but at least they know they have jobs and work to do.
I should be reading or doing specifically fun things, but instead I refresh this god forsaken website because my brain won't let me have fun until I finish my work, but I don't want to do my work. Like a magnet pushing away from another magnet.
I wake up late.
I go to bed late.
I haven't been to the gym in two years.
I used to be strong, now I've become fat and rip my pants if I bend over wrong, but I don't think I can afford new pants.
I wish everything didn't make me angry.
I wish I could just take things for face value instead of over analyzing it all down to some reductive reason to hate a given thing.
Knowledge is a burden.
I will never be good at anything.
I will be forgotten in a generation.
I miss the feeling of being loved.
The tragedy of my life is even a boring disappointment.

>> No.17482044 [View]
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We may be the NPCs, but at least we have each other, in this vague meta-idealistic way. Love u friend. I appreciate this time we have together.

>> No.17013036 [View]
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I really doubt joe is going to do much of anything about anything. Millennials are trapped here forever. I just recently went to the old other chans that were always a breath of fresh air in the 00s. 420. 7. 711. etc. Theyre all dead or no one posts on them. It was this horrible confirmation of what I've worried about the past decade. The death of forums. The centralization of internet communication. The sheer evil brilliance of ease+free=money&data for mega corporations. It's not like I frequent more than 5 or so websites anyway. The constant dopamine hit of that refresh or the notification. It's crippling. At least here on 4chan it feels like it's still trapped in the early 00s, interface wise. I get to trick myself into believing this website is still a bastion of interesting conversation as a media medium. But I know I'm just lying to myself. This place is just as bad or worse than facebook or twitter BECAUSE it lures you into a false sense of security. We are trapped in the eternal recursion that is our daily lives. We aren't the exciting things we rarely do. We are brushing our teeth, watching tv, humping our toasters, and eating cheese-its every day. Nothing more.

>> No.16352170 [View]
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Wow, this thread didn't die? OP here, I haven't read society and spectacle, but I did get a copy of Simulacra and Simulation recently and found a PDF of consumer society.

It is a surrogate, and I'm aware of it, it's the fucking strangest thing I've done in a long while. I get watching a few hours of youtube/telivision shows, but literally watching someone walk around, the closest we can get to "reality tv" and yet it's still me living vicariously through someone else, is the most direct penetration into all this zizek and french philosophy I've been reading recently. Just finished amusing ourselves to death too, and the DFW thing. It's so fucking strange to have fallen into the most obvious trap of something that is fascinating, but not specifically purposefully entertaining. The entertainment comes from the culture shock and the whole covid thing, stuck in doors I guess. It's really weird that even though I'm aware of the falsehood, I was perfectly comfortable in that falsehood. It was escapism at it's purest into the most non-fantasy of video content.

>> No.14989059 [View]
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>The notion that the world is tolerable is a presupposition of all mainstream psychopathology.
Heh. My friends joke about how many manifestos I've written. They see a man with a cheery disposition discuss nothing but the most despotic topics. It's surreal how much feigned ignorance goes around educated circles, and I don't mean this in a "I'm superior way" I just mean that people generally don't want to broach subjects that make them uncomfortable. Comfort has become the norm for them.
I like both of these quotes. Thanks anon.
This is close to another constant series of thoughts I have that loom over me. The great man theory seems to be how many of the things we read are written. There must always be a main character enacting change, even though it is, as your previous post said, nothing but a swirling amalgam of individuals creating a greater whole. How am I to contribute to the discourse beyond shitposting on a Hungarian leather-working forum? I think of writing books or blogs or making more media based content, but I soon realize these all then simply become commodities and the commodity I produce is simply a regurgitation of those I've read and accumulated. I suppose it's better to think in aphorisms of great thinkers, writers, and scholars than it is to think in modes proposed by television and its kin. But, nonetheless, I still feel as if I could not provide anything of worth, and even if I could, it would be lost in the maws of capital.
Surveillance capitalism was a good read. On the note of terrible television, I've been enjoying season 3 of West World's take on surveillance capitalism to an extent. Imputing the data already collected for predictive notifications of probable events. A little minority report-esque. Almost like an ideological underpinning to the reality we live flows through computers to provide information one could never get before. Target predicts women being pregnant. The youtube algorithm radicalizing certain groups. "The future is already here just unevenly distributed."
OP, isn't reading fun?

>> No.14726871 [View]
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The postmodern meltdown of culture into the economy is triggered by the fractal interlock of commoditization and computers: a transscalar entropy-dissipation from international trade to market-oriented software that thaws out competitve dynamics from the cryonics-bank of modernist corporatism. Commerce re-implements space inside itself, assembling a universe exhaustively immanent to cybercaptial functionality. Neoclassical (equilibrium) economics is subsumed into computer-based nonequilibrium market escalations, themed by artificial agencies, imperfect information, sub-optimal solutions, lock-in, increasing returns, and convergence. As digitally micro-tuned market metaprograms mesh with techoscientific soft engineering positive nonlinearity rages through the machines. Cyclonic torsion moans.

>> No.13357915 [View]
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>write smut off the cuff and throw it up on amazon
>someone gives a diligent, thoughtful, and thorough review of it while pointing out plot holes

>> No.13284347 [View]
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I indent and italicize with a return before and after.
what the fuck am I looking at

>> No.12165647 [View]
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