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>> No.11995431 [View]
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hola gents, girardfag here. sleep has rinsed some of the fuckery of cheap beer from my head and i am ready to return for more Cosmotech greentext.

first things first, >>11993886 is a true hero for bringing up SE&D, which is a crucial text in the history of acceleration and Cosmotech. it is, as you will perhaps see in the greentext to follow, a seminal moment in theory's transition during the 1970s from orthodox Marxist analysis to where we are today. JB is one of the premier engineers of the Wild Ride, and a strong case could be made for him as our equivalent of Virgil if this was the Divine Comedy, as we return once more to the underworld to do battle with the shadows of value.

one thing you will also notice is that once upon a time critics actually talked about Destroying the System unironically. it's almost nostalgic, by this point. again, our purpose in these threads is not Defenestration, Yes! but to understand how it was that we got here, so that the next moves made (whatever they may be) can be made without repeating the same things over and over again - or, if they are to be made over and over again, are not made out of pure hysteria, reactivity, or the kinds of kitsch nostalgia that leads to doomsday scenarios.

and, since i am a little more With It today, i have decided to inject a little Driving Music to go along with our greentext samplings. we do need a break. an epistemological break, perhaps. or maybe a radical break. or whatever. a Reality Break. JB would have approved, i think, of acceleration, provided that it was done in the right way, accelerated beyond recognition and folded back in on itself.

West Coast In Your Face Mix, let's fucking go. we've got SE&D on deck and we are back for more Cosmotech greentext. life doesn't get any better than this. breakdancing and death on a rainy October afternoon, my life is complete. Capital, why *won't you give us a break?* warm it up JB, warm it up:

Cirrus: Break In

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