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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.22299675 [View]
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books for this feel?

>> No.16102295 [View]
File: 12 KB, 248x204, Blessedness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spend 15 years writing obscure tome.
>Believe that it is literally the most important book ever written.
>"why does no one read it?"

>Become famous for opposing transgenders
>Job is threatened.
>Job is saved.
>Begin to take benzos
>Start eating only meat and veggies
>Debate famous atheist. Draw.
>Debate again. Lose.
>Invited to lecture at various colleges: opposition from blue hair.
>fans appear
>Go on the worlds largest podcast.
>"I just want to tell you that this was my favorite podcast ever"
>Begin to give weekly lectures on the Bible
>Bible lectures lead to fame
>Publishes book on thoughts
>Book Becomes global bestseller
>Offer is given: a third debate with prominant Atheist is funded by a shadowy company.
>Take the offer: have the debate. Win.
>Debate again.
>Win again.
>Debate a third time.
>Win a third time.
>Funding from shadowy company falls through: company revealed as a pyramid scheme.
>Begin to only eat meat.
>Begin world tour of lectures
>Fame increases.
>Defeat foes in battles of wit.
>Each foe becomes more and more sophisticated with each battle. It gets harder.
>Become slowly angrier
>More Benzos to calm down.
>"why do they hate me?"
>Sign second book deal.
>Begin writing second book.
>No time
>Marxist challanges to debate.
>Public shaming.
>Roasted on social media.
>Roasted by strange eastern-european pervert.
>Challange pervert to debate.
>He accepts.
>Thinks this will be easy win.
>Wife gets cancer.
>One month to live.
>Up benzo dose.
>Debate incoming.
>Still on tour.
>read only communist manifesto.
>get mocked on stage.
>"Pathetic failure"
>Wife condition gets worse.
>more benzo
>Wife better. Miracle.
>"Do I have a problem?"
>try to lesson drug use
>Almost die.
>clock into rehab
>Rehab makes things worse.
>daughter requests trip to moscow.
>Can't tell if this is good idea but you trust her.
> doctor :"ah the only cure is to induce a coma hope you don't mind"
>"Dad, don't worry, its safe: I'll be back tommorrow"
>Wake up
>"what are these chains"
>"you are our prisoner. We are going to rape and eat you"
>"Dad trust them!"
>Daughter is working with them!
>Held down.
>injected with strange chemicals.
>pass in and out of consciousness
>lungs aren't working.
>"ah he has pneumonia, he will be here a month."
>Daughter wheels around in chair.
>"Truly death is preferable to this".
>...slowly get better.
>taken to Florida.
>get worse. Close to death.
>taken to obscure Serbian hospital run by doctor promising miracle cure.
>It actually works.
>Slowly begin to feel powers returning.
>one joyous morning find that you can write again.
>don't have much time left, but you think you can finish book.
>Try to tell it again. Trying to tell people your whole carreer and failing.
>"Finally make them understand it"
>Shes out. As usual.

Say what you will, but Peterson is the only one out here living the literary lifestyle in 2020.

>> No.14062485 [View]
File: 12 KB, 248x204, Blessedness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this one?

(I think it is the best song on the album)


>> No.13189244 [View]
File: 12 KB, 248x204, C98AD85C-CA0A-4E20-ABBF-90467558CC67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hadn't seen my uncle for about 10 years or so as he'd constantly been abroad or working, saw him the other day and spoke with him for a while. Kinda like the part of War and Peace where Pierre meets Karataev while imprisoned, I'd been feeling depressed but speaking to the guy really made me feel at ease. He was old and weak yet completely happy, lived a simple life and was content with anything, would cite poems of Rumi from memory, I hadn't seen him in so long but after such a short time I felt like family with him again. Thought about War and Peace afterwards, I think you have to see someone in person to really see where they line up with a character but just like in the novel that man left a deep and immensely helpful impression on me.

>> No.13182218 [View]
File: 12 KB, 248x204, happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

books that gonna give me hope to continue living

>> No.13086588 [View]
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He is already here, bros. Inside and outside all of us.

>> No.12580351 [View]
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Allan Watts

>> No.12544536 [View]
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>Saves /lit/ in a single post
Blessed be, OP

>> No.12302546 [View]
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Lol i do this all the time. If you're openly self-aware people laugh with rather than at you. Either way there's nothing wrong with making people laugh. It's better to laugh than be indifferent all the time. The sound of women and children laughing is one of the few simple things I have left to enjoy in this world, even if it's at my own expense.

>> No.12001670 [View]
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This, anon, is one of the most helpful and insightful responses I've yet received on this board or website in the past decade I've been here. Much appreciated.

>> No.11967867 [View]
File: 11 KB, 248x204, relief.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm almost done with the Majjhima Nikaya and I feel like I've been freed from so many bonds. I spent years feeling trapped by Western philosophy and its implications. Buddhism is so clear, simple, and easily verifiable by direct experience. What went so wrong with Western philosophy that we ended up with pervasive ideas like souls, determinism, and omnipotent gods?

>Who has passed beyond the swamp,
>The mire, samsara, all delusion,
>Who has crossed to the further shore,
>And meditates within the jhanas,
>Is unperturbed and unperplexed,
>Attained to Nibbana through no clinging,
>He is the one I call a brahmin

>> No.11093329 [View]
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>tfw learning to appreciate each rejection as a small, individual step in creative growth
>tfw you realise that failures are infinitely more useful than achievements anyway
>tfw you read a submission again after receiving your rejection letter and the curtain is pulled back and you can actually see why it wasn't accepted and agree with the decision
>tfw you have just finished another short story that is far better than anything you've done anyway
>tfw as you learn patience you feel comfortable putting the story away and working on something else until your ideal publication is accepting submissions again
>tfw it has finally become a true labour of love and passion and even though most days you come home from work and stare at a blank page for 2 hours feeling exhausted those small moments of clarity and productivity are worth the wait
>tfw it inevitably snowballs into another break through and you can't wait to get home every day to work on your project

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