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>> No.11991123 [View]
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>Couldn't we argue the jew encourages capital and tech to overcome the gentiles senses. Who is constantly pushing for more tech in the media? Who is pushing to remove ethics in science and tech such as catholic teachings of dignity of human life?

again, the issue here is not The Joos, it is *cynicism.* pic rel is absolutely critical in this regard, both the book and the man. Nietzsche isn't required today to preach the *death* of God, he's required to preach against the **return of God** in its political or ontotheological form. people are in fact far more religious than they realize is, it's just that these religious sensibilities are expressed in the form of tribalist identity politics rather than in the forms of esoteric and exoteric theory and practice that were cultivated over centuries, millennia, and which are far better for the human psyche than modernist political experimentation.

the Cold War and WW2 are two aspects of a similar phenomenon: the question of World Hegemony, and who was going to be going to set the clocks and schedules for civilization in the most apocalyptic sense possible. on the Eastern front it came down to a struggle between fascism and communism; then communism and capitalism; now it's capitalism and liberal democracy, in a sense, and liberal democracy is *losing.* as it loses, it continues to go back to the well of old 20C radicalism to prop itself up, but the more that it does this, the more profoundly illiberal it reveals itself to be. there is nothing emancipatory about a strain of radical left activism which insists on making race war and rape the default conditions for every conversation about the polis. all this does is percolate up, Heisenberg-style, their exact opposites and uncanny doppelgangers on the other side of the spectrum. we have seen all of this before, and on a much more destructive scale.

the nature of academic politics today could be described as a Cold Civil War, and Cold only in the sense that it has not yet become Hot, although it is heated in every sense of the word. the fundamental issue, however, is manifestly political-theological: it is Violence and the Sacred all the way to the end of the line, minus the understanding of what it is the Sacred actually refers to. the Sacred can be the Holy, but the Holy is not necessarily the Good; it's just the Holy, that which evokes rage upon transgression. it is that which triggers. and subsequently the world comes to take on the character of a Mexican standoff, a proliferation of moral arms and armaments.

and, oh yeah, it's *complete and utter fucking bullshit, too.* warrants mentioning. there is more to life than race war and sexual abuse. at least, that's my feeling. call me crazy.

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