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>counterphobic eroticization
don't you just fucking love humans? you have to love humans.

this is something i've thought about too, the excessive fetishization of desire rather than fear. han talks about this w/the burnout society. and phobic economies consume just as much, maybe more. a glance at the news tells you that paranoia and rage sells just as well as sex.

chris metzen even managed to make the undead sexy. if we don't want to fuck things on some deep level it's just weird. we're becoming like the fucking Na'Vi. morton's take was pretty funny:
>hang on while i stick my swiss army genitalia in your skull, noble steed, and then we shall fly

>negating any necessity for praxis
no doubt this is true also. that's continental stuff for you. the Fun (and prestige) of prophecy. i remember reading baudrillard and thinking that this was just more hyberbole, it's what you do. in some sense it is. but the need for simulated everything seems to be becoming more and more the norm. could be because i'm watching mad men.

>Hence, you not only get to choose the product you want to buy - but the entire supply chain that provided it to.
somebody told me something very similar to this not so long ago, about how Tim Horton's makes its money. he asked me how i thought they made their profit, and i said, donuts. this was the wrong answer: the right answer was, logistics. when you open the franchises you get the whole network, you get shipping and distribution. owning every step of the chain is what matters.

makes me think too that some useful simulations of how capitalism *actually functions* would go a long way in philosophy class when the conversation turns to these guys. i mean, yes, let's not forget the Great Conversation. but i can't even play Hearts of Iron (EU 3, yes. and SMAC on easymode). at the very least we should all be able to give a respectable account of ourselves in axis and allies.

>So in a sense, you'd have a market of market (which, I think, is likely an entry-way into a critique of neoliberalism on it's own terms).
i like it. that's really a good way to approach it, on the efficient micro-scale. justin murphy seems to make similar arguments: you can have something like fully automated luxury communism as long as you are prepared to smart small and efficient. talking about 'capitalism' in economics is like talking about 'life' in biology. we need something scaled to our level.

>oh lord, I have to add Derrida to the list as well?
i've added him to my list. i have derrida grief b/c i *started* with him and worked backwards. i'm not expecting the kind of Fuck Yes moments i've gotten from others, and i definitely remember being ultra-trigged by derrida people who i felt were leaving me really twisting in the wind when i wanted direct answers. i'm over that phase now.

what a word.

and buterin just fucking *looks* like Somebody Who Matters. that picture.

based thread indeed gents.

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