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>> No.7745741 [View]
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S02E05 - "A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again...Again."

>The episode where Dave receives a call on his bedroom hamburger phone from a supposed member of the Les Assassins des Fauteuils Roulants (A.F.R.) saying he kidnapped Pynchon and threatens to kill him if he does not bring the actual copy of "The Entertainment" that tied together the S01 arc, so he drives out to meet the A.F.R. at the local Whataburger, finding him next to a booth with a wheelchair, a trenchcoat, some nice rouge blush, a box of poutine on the table, and a comical handlebar mustache. Yet after the five-minute tense standoff in the booth with some of the best monologue-trading on irony and sincerity the show has ever devised, Dave slowly watches the wheelchair assassin's face start to melt under intense interrogation, the mustache finally falls off and as Dave screams with the howling fantods we discover it's just Dave's Superfan again, shaking his copy of Broom of the System that he never got signed. Pynchon busts out of the Womens Bathroom stall, standing but still rope-tied to part of the toilet seat. Chase ensues with Scooby Doo-esque music montage.

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