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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.15616455 [View]
File: 76 KB, 445x600, Dostoevskij_1863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the nigga Dosto.

>> No.15006088 [View]
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>I'm a sick man... I am a spiteful man. I am a back door man. The men don't know but the little girls understand.

>> No.14419476 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 76 KB, 445x600, Dostoevskij_18633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's his fucking problem?

>> No.14314406 [View]
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what religion/belief system do you follow and why makes you think yours is the truth

>> No.14187504 [View]
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Is there a single or double volume of dostoyevsky that has all his worthy novellas with good translation?

>> No.14040648 [View]
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Is Dostoevsky just a phase for doomers (underground men)? now I understand why Nabokov disliked him and certain people prefer Tolstoy over him. However I still consider him as a good writer.

>> No.11123714 [View]
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They have considered it in the past and are giving it new attention in preparation for the 100th anniversary of his birth in 2021. Basically they want to make him a Russian Orthodox saint for his contributions to Russian Orthodox philosophy and literature via Crime & Punishment and Brothers K. In addition, they believe he predicted certain details of the Russian Revolution in Demons and was therefore divinely inspired.

>> No.10113108 [View]
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I can't remember who it was but someone I was reading said one of the fundamental causes of the deterioration of literature beginning in the 19th and leading into the 20th C. was the subsidization of talent and connection with poetry's tradition with the Personality of the writer instead. And so obviously there will be no lasting value.
People like Kerouac, Alan Ginsberg, Bukowski, and all the imitators of Joyce who made the main focus of their work themselves and little beyond that.
This lead inevitably led to the poverty of literature that we are now seeing with Rupi and her ilk but it can all be easily rectified if people once again begin disciplining themselves and returning to the Sources of literature rather than continuing to make the crux of their work their measly ego and personal experience of life which are so grossly limited.

>> No.4574266 [View]
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Dostoyevsky, obviously.

>> No.4320011 [View]
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Anyone have a crush on him? I would be apt to fall in love with him if I ever met him irl. no homo

>> No.3845578 [View]
File: 76 KB, 445x600, AVT_Fedor-Mikhailovitch-Dostoievski_2280.pjpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people not find Dostoievski funny?

The first book I've read by him was the Idiot (that was just recently) and now I've decided to follow it up with the Brothers Karamazov.

Sure, it's not comedy. But his style, sense of dialogue and portrayal of interpersonal relationships make both books very much amusing, even hilarious at times. I'd say he has the best sense of humor out of all russian writers I've read.

>> No.3601268 [View]
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The first writer who made me truly understand the intellectual and emotional power in literature. Crime & Punishment was the first book to ever leave me truly stunned by the end. The Grand Inquisitor (and all of TBK in general) convinced me of Christianity as the most natural and satisfying answer to the pains of this world. While his flaws became more apparent the more I read him, he still remains the most important in my life.

>> No.3206572 [View]
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So /lit/, I just finished Crime and Punishment, and I'm about to start writing The Idiot.

Is it bad that I haven't written Brother's Karamazov yet?

>> No.2321441 [View]
File: 76 KB, 445x600, 481px-Dostoevskij_1872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Students trickled through the university gates. Traffic moved languidly over the blanched terrace. It was an early January evening. Mother Nature had imparted a belated snowfall on the city of Montreal.

Evgeny gazed through the library window. Trees adorned with Christmas lights. Cars adorned with taillights. The reflections of unadorned red chairs. The jostling fire trucks were caught within the quotidian tragedy of the gridlock. Swollen figures raced past the unfortunate automobiles. It was a cardinal scene dehors; the library was hardly a red district.

He reoriented his gaze to the empty stacks, and wondered when was the most recent occasion someone was graced with the pleasure of reading Structural and electrical properties of granular metal films. At least it served a practical purpose, he chastised. Evgeny was studying something useless.

His disillusionment did not preclude his presence at the library, however. Primarily, it was a refuge from his apartment. It lacked Internet. Cockroaches, it did not. They did not bother Evgeny because they were an urban inevitably.

A woman walked by Evgeny. This was the third time she had done so since he had arrived. She was a security guard. She was a negro. Evgeny was perturbed by her weave. Certainly, it fancied him, but it nevertheless seemed to him a rather disagreeable anachronism.

How impractical, thought he. We regard our modern sophistication with such esteem, while we are merely aged Elizabethans. Merkins for the scalp. What incredibly odd creatures we are.

Evgeny laughed and returned to work.

>> No.2033286 [View]
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Anybody please care to rate Dostoyevsky's novels so that I can make a choice as to which books to read first?

Failing that, a single recommendation?

>> No.1508932 [View]
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ITT: Post all the books you have that you want to read and recommend others on which to read first.

Call of the wild/white fang by Jack London
Notes from underground by Fyodor Dostoevsky
Crime and punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky
Look at the little birdie by Kurt Vonnegut
The sun also rises by ernest hemingway
Atlas shrugged by ayn rand

>> No.1126360 [View]
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>> No.1058368 [View]
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Crime & Punishment is the reason I dig what the kids these days call "English bullshit."

Now, I be all up in that James Joyce and William Faulkner, and shit.

Also, I recommend looking into the works of Hermann Hesse, Ivan Turgenev, and Kurt Vonnegut.

Also, you can't go wrong with The Grimm Brothers, The Arabian Nights, and Sinbad and all the other stories people think were part of The Arabian Nights.

>> No.925227 [View]
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Hi /lit/, I am an unlearned barbarian.

The only books I've read have been Fifth Business, Zorba the Greek, 1984, Emma, The Edible Woman, Madame Bovary, Like Water for Chocolate, and Gatsby. I'm currently reading Crime & Punishment as well as Plato's Republic.

Recommend me some good reads to get on the path towards literary enlightenment, /lit/! Or don't, it's cool.

>> No.848486 [View]
File: 76 KB, 445x600, 481px-Dostoevskij_1872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the hipsterest books ever? I'm talking Russian literature here.

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